Chapter 11

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My flight had been obnoxiously long. All I wanted to do when I got home was sleep, but that wasn't an option. The moment I walked in the door, I was greeted by David and knew something was wrong.

"How was the meeting?"

"Fine. How is Lindsey?" His face always lit up when she was discussed, so I tried to do it as often as possible.

"Great, I think I'm going to mark her soon." That was a big decision to make since she was human. He better be talking this through with her.

"Speaking of Lindsey, do you remember how she was supposed to have a foreign exchange student live with her?"

"Yeah, What about it?" I set my bag down and plopped myself on the couch. It felt good to relax.

"Well, her name is Alejandra, she's from Mexico, and well, Bro, she's a pure blood." I was stunned by the information he was giving me. He continued telling me everything from the past few days. When I learned she was marked against her will and was abused, I couldn't suppress the growl that left me.

David looked at me funny; honestly, I was surprised myself. I didn't know why I was upset. It must have been the damn meeting drain. Taking in a deep breath, I tried calming myself. There was a smell here that I wasn't familiar with. It was around David and incredibly intoxicating.

"David. What's that smell on you?"

He looked perplexed, but I saw him smile after smelling himself, "That would be Alejandra."

"She smells wonderful." From that moment, I had an unquenchable urge to meet this Alejandra.


Short and a teaser I know :) I will update again soon I promise, plus you got two updates in one day so ha! as usual please vote and comment to tell me you want another chapter and I will hurry and publish one.

Until next time :)

The Alpha Wolf (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora