Chapter 6

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Tyler opened the back door for me and I reluctantly slid inside.

"Hello again."

"S'up" I mumbled, crossing my arms over my nervous stomach, looking outside the window and not at the Prime Minister with the black pants, white shirt and velvet blazer sitting by my side.

"Are you ok?"

"Grand" I assured him with a shrug.

"You look like you're about to cry" He prompted me softly.

"Won't" I lied, as my lower lip started to tremble; I snapped them both shut so that it would stop.

I saw a white tissue in front of my face. His elegant hand was holding it to me. I grabbed it and cleaned the tears on my cheeks and eyes in silence.

"Thank you" I said, clearing my throat.

"Was that your sister?" He asked tenderly, as if any harsh word could trigger my breakdown – too late for that, sir, been there, done that.

"You mean the bitch with my ex-boyfriend?" I chuckled, but not in amusement.

"So... The two of them. You found them... Huh... Having intercourse." I actually felt the urge to giggle, but decided not to "In your home. And she was wearing your underwear. I believe that's the lowest move I've ever seen in my life. And I'm a politician."

This time I actually chuckled.

"I asked Tyler to apologize for me, but I take it back." I decided, this time looking straight into the Prime Minister's blue eyes "I won't apologize for life. My life, as bad as it is..."

"Non-apology accepted. Now, I'm starving. I honestly hate these gatherings, there's nothing to eat."

"I would call it a feast at my place" I grinned.

"Yes, but as you've mentioned before, you degrade the mere mention of cooking." He actually shivered, to which I chuckled "Tyler, takes us to the trailers."

"Trailers?" I frowned, as Tyler turned the engine on and drove the car out of the Whitechapel gallery.

"The best to eat at this hour." He winked "Trust me."


"So they cheated on you, and now they're engaged?!"

"Sounds about right" I sighed, shrugging.

I took another mouthful of the pizza we got at the trailer cooker, in a very secluded area of London. I guess being the Prime Minister, he knew about every single corner of the city

"You know what hurt the most? That they did it on my new sofa and that I couldn't give it back to the store."

He choked on his piece of pizza and laughed.

"Ok, I'm just trying to be funny. Nonetheless, that's actually true." I chuckled "That and I never had the chance to wear my Victoria's Secret negligee..."

"Well, we could make that happen." He said; at my surprised face, he shrugged and actually blushed a bit "And I can make the store take it back, if you want to."

"Mr Prime Minister, are you flirting with me?" I asked, amazed.

"What gave it away? My subtlety?" He tilted his head, making me chuckle.

He was being such a nice guy, trying to make me laugh.

"You really don't have to try and thank me for the rest of your life, you know?"

"Well, I would like to believe my life is worth more than a free entry to an art exhibit."

"Touché. Still, I understand you're the Prime Minister, and you're busy-"

Mr. Prime MinisterWhere stories live. Discover now