Chapter 9

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Friday afternoon, I lay on my bed, staring at the white ceiling. The curtains were open and I was frowning, not because of the rainy light coming inside my room and hurting my eyes, but because I had a date tonight and I was starting to freak out.

I had to keep in mind Charles was just like every other guy; he was not the Prime Minister and I was overreacting. It would be just like every other date I had ever had...

"Shit..." I mumbled, grabbing my pillow and covering my face with it.

I hadn't had a date for three years, ever since... Nick. Goddamn it! I had to stop thinking of the past and move forward – with Charles? Was that even acceptable? From Nick, the Twat, to Charles, the Politician...

How do you move from a hot guy you dated for almost three years, to dating a total star?! Nick and Charles couldn't be any more different if they tried. Nick had been totally seductive. I'd known from day one he was a total ladies' man, the bad boy – we've all fallen for that kind of guy at least once in our lives, am I right? Problem is, that kind of guy goes one of two possible ways: he will either fall madly in love with you and you will live happily ever after, or he'll break your fucking heart and sleep with your sister.

Now, Charles...

I sighed as I eyed the TV, the Prime Minister himself was being criticized on national TV about his supposedly lack of social awareness – I disagreed on that, actually!

Charles was more of a good guy type. I had never liked that type before; I was not the kind of girl to be interested in attractive, successful politicians with sweet understanding smiles and nice polite words. I loved the rough ones, the ones that grab you in the middle of the street and kiss you right there, unworriedly about social conventions or even PDA.

Charles was a total antithesis of Nick, perhaps that was the only reason I had said I would go out with him, because I knew he was a down to earth, good guy. He wouldn't hurt me the way Nick had.

"You're freaking out" Julia snapped as she answered her phone two beeps later.

"How do you know?" I asked, opening my small fridge and taking a soda out.

"I can hear you pacing from my flat" She justified, I could almost hear her shrug.

"That's really stalker-ish." I answered back, cringing as I eyed the TV again "He's everywhere!"

"I'm coming over."

Two seconds later I heard the door being opened.

"Alright, missy. It's five pm! He'll be here in no time, and you still haven't showered!" Julia scolded, slapping my feet, buried in warm socks, resting over the coffee table.

"I'm not going" I whined, burying myself deeper in the blanket around me.

"Oh, yes you are, Alice Coreen Summers!" She grunted, I cringed at my middle name "C'mon, get up and shower! Now!"

Julia dragged me to the tiny bathroom and left after she was sure I was washing my hair. When I got out and entered my bedroom, she had already picked out my peach dress, it was laid over the bed quilt. My black ballerina flats were ready on the floor. The dress was made from peach chiffon, the collar was beaded with white fake pearls, and I added just a thin black headband.

"A bit of colour on your cheeks, black eyeliner, mascara, and you're done!" Julia gestured towards the clothing on the bed.

"I'm really nervous" I cringed as my phone beeped with a text.

"Want me to read it?" Julia asked, patting my wet shoulder.

I nodded and she grabbed the white phone from the bedside table. She read it and smiled happily.

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