Chapter 24

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Ok, wow, rewind a bit!

"What?" I muttered clumsily.

"I believe the boy said the kiss he-"

"Yeah, thanks a lot, Da." I snapped, blushing instantly "I got my Da here, now..."

"Why don't I go and you two kids talk your things out?" Da tossed, getting up from the sofa and picking up his car keys.

"Da." I grabbed my own flat keys and put on the boots "Go to Amanda, try to give her some of your great advice and make her climb out of the hole as well. Tyler and I..." I eyed Tyler through my eyelashes "We're going for a walk. Have fun."

I closed the door behind me, and gestured for Tyler to follow me down the stairs. Since the stupid elevator was out of service, we walked for a long time, in absolute silence, until we reached the dark street. There were a couple people walking their dogs, jogging, riding the bike, or doing whatever they found interesting to do at ten PM.

"It's a bit chilly" I said, as we came down the steps of the building's front door.

"Do you want my jacket?" Tyler asked at once, preparing to take it off.

"Oh, no, no." I shook my head at once "I'm fine, really. Just... making small talk."

"We're not the kind to do that" Tyler reminded me, with one of his soft smiles.

"Well... guess we are tonight." I winced "Why don't we take a seat in one of the park benches?"

"If you don't mind, I rather walk" He winced back.

I nodded and we entered the park in silence, as a couple of men ran past us. I eyed Tyler and immediately looked back to my shoes when our gaze met.

"So..." He cleared his throat "I wanted to... talk to you about... huh... something."

"Ok" I answered, clearing my throat in the end.

"Has he tried to contact you, since this morning?" Tyler asked me softly.

"Yes." I nodded with a sigh "I didn't pick up the cell and deleted his calls to my home number. I really can't stand contact with him, right now."

"Understandable." Tyler nodded "What did he tell you when you talked to him?"

"He was doing what's best for us both. In secret, we're free, or some stupid shit like that"I snorted.

"I know maybe you won't like to hear this, but he is right, you know?" Tyler flinched "Shit, what am I saying?"

"I think you should defend your case, and not Charlie's"I had to chuckle at his blush.

"Right." He smiled a bit "Look... I know the other day... what happened to you and I was..." He rubbed is hair with a long shudder "I know it was something out of tune. I mean, I didn't take it to be... you know" He shrugged and cleared his throat "something meaningful."

"Then why are you here?" I frowned.

I stopped walking, making him twirl and stand in front of me, his head lowered so he could look me in the eye.

"I don't really have an answer to that" He frowned and rubbed his beard.

"You said you couldn't... get it out of your head." I reminded him, swallowing hard; he nodded and swallowed as well "Why is that?"

"I don't want to put you in that position" He put both his hands up.

"Tyler." I frowned, and he looked right into my eyes again "Just talk to me."

"You liked him." He blurted out "At first sight, you were gaga for him."

"I was what?" I gasped, amused.

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