Chapter 26

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"Why isn't she answering her phone?" I grunted, punching my phone.

"I'm trying to contact Spencer." Tyler said, as he drove his car like a mad person "He's not answering his phone either. Damn it, Goddamn red lights! Alice, look away."

He kicked the accelerator and we ran by a red light. I smiled up at him.

"Thank you. I know going against the law will probably give you some heartburn."

"Oh, well. I also know saving the day will get me a fair reward" He smiled down at me.

We reached my flat, and as soon as Tyler stopped the car in the parking lot, we both jumped and ran up the stairs. I cursed as I disposed my purse of all its contents so I could find the damn key. When I got it, I quickly opened the door, and started yelling for Mandy's name.

"Oh, wow!" It was Tyler who reacted the most fiercely.

So... Mum was all worried about Mandy being in some sort of trouble. Oh, she was in trouble all right, but not the kind Mum dreaded about. She had Spencer's tongue down her throat, in the middle of my living room, and she was flustered all down her neck.

"Well, well..." I crossed my arms over my chest, raising a brow at the scene "Look at this, Tyler. Everyone worried about my sister's well-being, but it looks to me that she's feeling mighty fine!"

Both Spencer and Amanda jumped apart, my sister blushing scarlet, and Spencer grinning with mischief.

"So this is why she wasn't picking up her phone" I tossed at a very uncomfortable Tyler.

"Or him" He agreed.

Mandy scowled at me, and I smiled, shrugging.

"Well, then." I cleared my throat and eyed the cop "Is there any reason why you were sticking your tongue down my sister's throat?"

Mandy actually showed her teeth at me.

"I came by just to make sure she was alright." Spencer's big shoulders shrugged "She was."

"Well, clearly." I snorted "Do us all a favour and call Mum. She's worried sick."

"Sorry if I interrupted your sex marathon" Amanda tossed back.

Tyler turned purple and I scowled at her.

Fine, I deserved that one.

"Do you want a ride to Mum and Da's?" I asked, icily.

"No." She grunted "I can do just fine on my own."

"Spence. Any news?" Tyler asked his friend.

"No."He sighed "We're on him, I assure you. But he's smart, he's turned into a ghost, again."

"He's not that smart." Tyler was sure of it "He'll make a mistake, they always do."

"Yes, and hopefully soon" Spencer frowned in worry.

"Well... Guess everything's fine, then." I tilted a brow at my sister "Should we go?" I turned to Tyler.

"Are you sure we can't give you a ride?" Tyler felt obligated to ask Amanda, I squeezed his hand in acknowledgment.

"No, really. Thank you." Amanda smiled a bit at my boyfriend "You kids go and have your sexy time."

"Spence?" Ty raised his brows at his friend.

"Huh... Yeah, sure, I'll go down with you guys." He nodded, rubbing his blond hair back "Could you two just... give us a minute?"

"We don't need a minute" My sister snapped, blushing all over.

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