Chapter 14

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He won't. He won't kick you out because his anal father asked him to.

What if he does?! God, I would be so embarrassed and heartbroken!

Ok, it's his father, he kinda has to respect his wishes, right?

Still, my other half of a conscience whispered, you're his... sweetheart, right? He can't just put you in second place!

"Don't bother, Tyler." I snapped, doing my best to sound all proud and serious; after a big land on my fat butt, which was hard to come back from, let me tell you "I have to get going, anyway. Mr. Whitehall, it was a pleasure" I added with what I hoped was my best fake smile.

"Father, I'll meet you down in my office." Charlie said, following me out the kitchen door "Alice, don't go. Stay. This will only take a minute, I swear."

"Seriously, I need to go to my parents' place." I assured him as I got my purse and jacket "My Mum's been calling for a couple hours now, and I need to calm her down. And you need to deal with all the mess we've made yesterday."

"Stay" He added once more, grabbing both my shoulders and caressing them softly, his blue eyes like those of a lost puppy.

"Go do some of your Prime Minister thingies." I smiled, reassuring him I wasn't mad at all – which was a big lie, obviously "I need to face Mum."

"Let Tyler take you." He asked and put a hand up when I was about to deny it "Remember the Paparazzi? I'm sure people will know you on the bus. Let him take you."

"I don't think people at the bus would know me, but... ok, I'm sold on the private car" I grinned, perky.

"Can we have dinner, tonight? I really wanted to spend some time with you, today" He asked with a heavy sigh, grabbing my hand in one of his long ones.

Tyler went down the stairs and opened the door behind me, holding it so I would go out soon. He was always such a gentleman and a very courteous bodyguard; no wonder he got to be the Prime Minister's bodyguard.

"We'll see. I don't know what Mum will ask of me as a punish for not telling her we went out." I chuckled; Quentin Whitehall called out from the office door and I gathered all my politeness not to flip him off "Go. Work calls. We'll talk later."

"You're mad, aren't you?" He sighed, rubbing his hair back.

"We'll talk later." I assured him, standing on my toes and kissing his lips softly; luckily, and very much appreciated, he answered with an open mouthed kiss "Good luck."

"I'll make sure Miss Summers gets home safely, sir" Tyler nodded as I passed him out the door.

"Just one more thing, Alice." Charlie added, joining us on the small entry "Just in case you run into a reporter or worse, if they ask you anything – anything at all – all you say is 'No comment' and move along."

"What?" I chuckled at his silly request; like any reporter would care to ask me any question!

"Just say it with me: No comment" He put a hand up.

After I repeated it at least three times, I followed Tyler to the black car and we left. There was a big 'Stupid' sign hanging above my head; yes, I was that much of an idiot to even think Charlie and I could get one minute alone...


I was almost snoozed in the back seat when we turned to my parents' street. Charlie was probably getting an earful from his father, but I could hardly be sorry for him. I was about to get a bigger one, because Mum wasn't a respectful former Minister, she was plain Frankie Summers, with a heavy hand and a loud voice.

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