Chapter 6

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Your POV

"Where are they?" Emily asked as she ran ahead of me toward the beach.

"I don't know." I laughed. "Lauren said they were here already."

"Will Sofi be here?" She questioned and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Who's Sofi?" I questioned as I looked around the beach for the girls.

"Camila's sister." She answered. "She's my age."

"Maybe you'll make another friend." I smiled looking down at her.

"Look!" She exclaimed after a moment of walking in silence. "There's Dinah!"

I looked up to see Dinah running away from a couple people. They were young so I assumed they were siblings of the girls. I laughed as Emily let go of my hand and ran toward Camila who was waiting with open arms.

"Hey!" Camila greeted me as she picked up my sister. "Glad you could make it." She smiled and gave me a hug with her free arm.

"It's good to see you again." I smiled back.

"Look Y/N!" Emily pointed over the brunettes shoulder. "There's Lauren!" She smiled. "You wanted to see her!"

"Emily!" I shot blushing as Camila laughed.

I looked to where she was pointing and my breath got caught in my lungs. Lauren looked stunning as she was playing volleyball with a couple other people. She had a bikini top on with short shorts that highlighted her legs and stomach.

"Don't worry." She smiled. "I'll keep your secret."

"What secret?" I questioned looking back to Camila after a moment.

"Come on Y/N? I'm not stupid." She laughed putting Emily down. "You're practically drooling over her."

"Don't tell her." I sighed running a hand threw my hair. "I'll get over it."

"Why do you want to get over it?" She questioned confused.

"Because Lauren's never going to like me back." I sighed. "I'd rather keep her as a friend then as nothing nothing at all."

"Maybe you should talk to her." Camila said trying to hide a smile.

"Are you not telling me something?" I questioned laughing a little.

"I ummmm..." She looked around for a moment. "Look there's a shark!" She pointed towards the water.

I looked to where she was pointing to see nothing. Once I looked back to where she was standing, she was gone. I looked up to find her running off in the other direction toward Dinah and Ally. I laughed a little at her antics. Honestly though she looked really good in that bikini. What is wrong with me.

"You came!" I heard a raspy voice.

"Of course I did." I smiled noticing Lauren running this way.

"I missed you." She smiled wrapping her arms around me in a hug as I did the same.

"I missed you too." I smiled as she continued to hug me. I looked over her shoulder to find Camila smirking at us. What was she hiding?

"Where's Emily?" She questioned noticing my sister was not around.

"She already found Dinah." I said and she laughed a little.

Number 14 (Lauren/You)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu