Chapter 23

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Your POV

"Mom?" I whispered.

My heart started beating like crazy as I looked at the women standing in front of me. It's been almost a year since I've seen her and now she's here right in front of me.

"Wha- what..." I stammered not fully able to understand this. "H-how?"

"I missed you." The women stated taking a step closer to me. "You and your sister."

"You missed us?" I questioned. Hearing her say that made me a little angry.

"Mommy!" I heard another voice yell.

"Hi Emily." My mother bent down to my sisters height and met her with a hug. "Wow you've grown into a big girl."

I looked at the smile on my sisters face but it made me feel sick to my stomach. I remember the night she left us, how easily it had ruined that beautiful little smile. God, now she thinks she can just waltz right back in and start playing our mom again.

I turned around and put my gear and hockey stick down. Before walking toward the washroom and letting myself in. I walked in the first stall and locked it behind me leaning against it for support as I was trying to calm my breathing down, closing my eyes.

"Y/N." Someone called after the door to the room opened and closed once again. "Y/N?"

I didn't respond. I couldn't. Even if I wanted to I just couldn't find it in me to speak when breathing was becoming more and more of an issue. There was a knock on the stall door causing me to open my eyes.

"Y/N let me in." I recognized Lauren's voice now. "Please."

"I-I'm f-fine Lauren." I stated as my breathing slowly started getting faster

"You're not fine." She argued I could hear the worry in her voice. "Open the door."

I sighed and turned around leaning my head against the frame before unlocking it and opened coming face to face with my girlfriend. She sighed pulling me into a hug as a tear was rolling down my cheek.

"Why's she back?" I questioned as Lauren rubbed my back.

I could feel my eyes filling up with more tears now causing me to pull back from Lauren. I took a step back before taking a seat against the wall covering my face in my hands. The brunette was soon beside me pulling me into her side as the tears started rolling.

"Shhhh...." Lauren whispered still rubbing my back. "It's okay."

"No...." I paused trying to get my breathing back to normal and pulling away from my girlfriend. "It's not okay."

"Maybe you should hear her out?" The brunette said taking my hand in her own.

"She left us Lauren." I stated. "Just took off and left me and Emily!" I pulled my hand away and stood up. "What kind of mother does that?!?" I added angry.

"She was hurting Y/N. Your dad was cheating on her, she probably couldn't handle it." She responded calmly standing up as well.

"So she was right in just up and leaving us?" I questioned in disbelief, opening the door to the stall and walking out. "Leaving her two kids behind to deal with everything on their own? Emily's only eight for god sake!"

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