Chapter 11

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Your POV

Incoming call: Lauren Jauregui

This is the fifth time she's called me in the last ten minutes. As much as I feel like I should answer it, I don't feel like it, not right now anyway. I'll call her tomorrow sometime, when I'm home and all cried out.

For now I just want to drive, I only have an hour left before I'm home. I can not wait to curl up in my bed and sleep. Hopefully, I'll wake up and this will all have been a horrible dream and I didn't actually embarrass myself like that.


I woke up around ten the next morning, I groaned turning over to go back to sleep when I heard my phone ringing on my nightstand. I tried ignoring it but it kept going off. Who the hell needed me this early on a Sunday morning?

I turned over sighing as I picked up my phone and looking at my screen. It took my eyes a second before they adjusted to the bright light. I had a lot of notifications on my phone. A lot of them from Jen, but more from Lauren.

Right, Lauren. I was going to have to talk to her about last night. Camila definitely gave her those flowers so now I definitely look like an idiot to her. Great, I love my life, it just keeps getting better.

Incoming call: Lauren Jauregui

She's never going to give up is she. I don't want to do this ever, let alone over the phone. To my annoyance my phone continued to ring over and over, it was definitely going to annoy my dad.

"Y/N why won't you answer your phone?" Emily asked walking in the room with her pyjamas on and jumping next to me on my bed.

"Because I don't want to talk to them." I stated picking it up and putting it on vibrate.

"Who is it?" She asked looking at me intently.

"It's just Lauren." I answered still looking at the beautiful girls name on my screen.

I want so bad to hate her, but that wasn't going to happen and I knew it. I wanted to hate her for not telling me she went back to him, for letting me believe I had a chance and for just being the only person I wanted to talk to this morning when I woke up with a broken heart, even though it was her fault in the first place.

"Are you mad at her?" My sister asked frowning a little.

"Yes?" I answered questioning myself and putting my phone down on the bed between us. "Maybe, I don't know?"

"Why?" She asked innocently.

"It's complicated kiddo." I gave her a small smile.

"Does this mean we can't hang out with them anymore?" She frowns again. "Not even Sofi?"

"No." I sat up smiling a little. "We can still hang out with them when they're home, Sofi especially." I said and she smiling widely. "I just have to talk to Lauren at some point."

"Then answer your phone because she's still calling." Emily said holding out my vibrating phone. "She makes you smile."

"Can you do me a favour Emily?" I asked taking my phone and sitting up. This probably wasn't a good idea but it was better then nothing.

"Yes." She said smiling and nodding.

"Can you answer it?" I skated and she frowned a little but nodded. "Just say I'm driving."

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