Chapter 18

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Your POV

The walk back to the girls room was awkward and quiet. Lauren was following behind me as I was carrying the ice bucket that was now filled.

Once I opened the door I heard laughter, Lauren closed the door behind us and followed me to the kitchen. Dinah looked up and smirked at me.

"Jeez that took you a while." She stated stepping toward me.

"Sorry I ummm couldn't figure out how to work the machine." I lied looking to Camila who was looking at me with wondering eyes.

"I had to show her what to do." Lauren added behind me.

"Aren't you supposed to be smart?" Normani asked me smiling as Dinah took the bucket from me.

"Camila can I um talk to you for a second." I asked ignoring the other two girls who were obviously trying tease me. Normally that would be fun, but I'm really not in the mood.

"Yeah sure?" She said moving from her spot next to Ally and walking toward me. "Are you okay?" She asked once she was stood closer to me.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I just need to talk to you."

"Okay." She agreed taking my hand.

We left the kitchen and started toward Camila's room where we knew nobody else would hear us talking. I could hear the girls talking as we continued walking.

"What happened out there?" Ally asked Lauren.

"Nothing important." Lauren stated in response. I thought it was important. This girl is so confusing.

"Well she sure does seem a little confused Lauren." Normani added.

Camila pulled me into the room and closed the door behind us. She gave me a look before smiling slightly. I gave her a glare and she quickly stopped again.

"Why did you tell Lauren this was fake?" I asked running a hand through my hair. "I could've just played off what Emily said. I could've said I told her that because Emily didn't want us to break up and hate each other."

"Lauren was going to accept the fact that you moved on." The brunette stated. "You're in love with her, not me."

"Love?" I questioned shocked from what she said. "Who said anything about love?"

"Oh come on." Camila giggled a little. "Anyone can see it from the way you look at her. It's obvious that you have feelings for her and that she's the same way. You both get so jealous over the little things."

"I'm not even graduated high school, there's no way I'm in love yet." I stated. "I like her, a lot, but love that might be a little strong."

"Whatever you say Y/N." The girl smirked. "What did she say to you anyway?"

"She's going to dump Brad and that she made the wrong choice." I thought about what Lauren had did to me. "She was trying to protect me by choosing him even if it wasn't what she really wanted."

"Do you believe her?" Camila questioned after a second of thinking.

"Should I?" I asked in response. "I mean I don't know if I can."

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