Chapter 26

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Your POV

My back was now pressed up against the back of couch as we crouched behind it. I looked over to see Lauren giggling to herself as she was in the same position as me. Emily in between us and Sofi on the other side of my girlfriend as we all held our toy guns to our chests. 

"Okay." I whispered. "We have to be quick and quiet." I stated.

"I'll find Camila." Sofi smiled peeking out from behind the couch to see if she could see either of the other team. "She likes hiding in the basement."

"You and Emily should stick together." Lauren laughed to her self. "Watch each other's backs."

"Okay we'll check downstairs and you guys go upstairs." Emily pointed over her head.

We all nodded in agreement as Lauren switched her spot with Emily and moved closer to me. I looked over and was met with her face just inches away from mine. She was smiling as we locked eyes for a second, I leaned in a pecked her lips softly before pulling away again.

"What was that for?" She whispered blush on her cheeks.

"I felt like it." I shrugged giving her a small smile. "It's not something I just get to do that often."

Lauren frowned a little but reached up and cupped my cheek. She pulled me a little closer and connected our lips again. This time letting her lips linger on mine a couple seconds before pulling away and looking at me. Both of us forgetting we were in the middle of a game of war with everyone else in the house.

We both jumped when a bullet came flying over our heads. Looking at Lauren who was trying to contain her giggles I readied my gun. Slowly moving so I could look over the couch.

"I know you're back there lovebirds." We could hear Dinah's voice as she got closer.

"On three." Lauren whispered getting ready to shoot her bandmate.  "One... Two... Three."

Both of us were now peering over the couch. Lauren shooting a bullet at Dinah but missing by a mile. The blonde girl looking at my girlfriend in disbelief as we both noticed she held my giggling little sister in front of her.

"Really Lauren." The blonde rolled her eyes. "You missed by a mile."

"Okay, This could go one of two ways." Normani stepped out from behind the wall pointing her gun at us. "You give up or we shoot you're little sister."

"Oh no," I placed my hand over my chest as Lauren giggled. "What will I ever do if you shoot her with a plastic bullet."

We now noticed Ally was on the stairs behind them with her gun trained on us, Camila doing the same standing to the side of Dinah. I looked at Lauren because obviously we were surrounded. She winked at me and pointed her gun toward Normani.

"You have thirty seconds to decide." Camila warned laughing a little.

"And what makes you think we'll take that deal?" Lauren smirked. "I think we can deal with one less player."

"Hey!" Emily giggled. "Your just gonna let me die?!?"

"Sorry kiddo." I grinned. "You're gonna have to take one for the team."

"Well the two of you can't take the four of us down on your own." Ally stated shrugging with a grin herself.

Suddenly we all heard the sound of a gun shooting and Dinah jumped a little before turning around to pick up a bullet that had just hit her. She looked at Camila who quickly threw her arms up in defence before pointing toward her sister who had opened the basement door.

Number 14 (Lauren/You)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя