Chapter 8

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Your POV

"Y/N!" Emily exclaimed running down the steps of her school toward me.

"What's up kiddo?" I smiled picking her up in hug. "Hey Sofi." I smiled at the other little girl.

Ever since they met that day at the beach with Fifth Harmony about a month ago, Sofi and Emily have become really good friends. I've even started picking Sofi up from school when her parents are working or unavailable.

"Guess what Y/N!" Sofi said excitedly patting my leg.

"What?" I smiled and put my sister down.

"Camila's going to be home!" She said jumping up and down in excitement.

"Aren't they in LA for another week?" I questioned. Lauren told me she'd be there until next week.

"Nope." Sofi smiled as they started climbing into the backseat of my car.

"Well let's get you home to see your big sister." I smiled closing the door behind them and walking toward the drivers seat. Why'd Lauren lie to me?

"I hope she's awake." Sofi smiled as I started the car. "She sleeps a lot when she gets home."

"I'd say she's really tired working all the time." I replied as I pulled away from the curb.

"Y/N? Do you have a hockey game today?" Emily asked after a couple minutes of silence.

"Yeah." I smiled in my rear view mirror. "Later tonight though."

"Can I come watch?" She asked causing my smile to grow but then change in to a frown.

"I don't know." I replied after a minute. "I don't think anyone will be there to watch you." Mom used to to take her to my games.

"But I wanna learn to play." She frowned looked down at her fingers.

"Can I come?" Sofi asked and Emily smiled again looking toward her friend as I looked back to the road.

"Yeah!" My sister exclaimed. "We can watch each other!" I laughed a little at their innocence as they high five.  

"You can't watch each other." I replied. "You're both a little to young yet."

"What if Camila came?" Sofi questioned with a big smile.

"Camila's old enough." Emily added.

"Camila probably wants to sleep or spend time with her friends." I replied turning down the Cabello's road. "She doesn't want to spend her time home watching a hocky game."

"She doesn't have any." Sofi stated. "Only Lauren comes over when she's  home."

Camila doesn't have any friends? That's odd, she's very pretty and funny. I assumed she was popular and had lots of friends, even before the group was formed.

"If you can talk her into it, fine you can come." I stated and they cheered. "But Camila has to watch you and you don't push her if she says no."

I walked into the stadium with my bag hanging over my shoulder. Today we were playing against our schools boys hockey team in a fund raising thing.

I walked into the dressing room where some of the girls were and dropped off my gear. I walked around the stadium for a moment before deciding to go and buy myself a drink for after the game.

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