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There are only two kinds of them.
Good-to-go signal,
and stop-right-now signal.
But then I met you.
And I experienced the third kind.

It's yellow.

From what I knew,
it doesn't really told me to go or stop.
It just told me to wait,

whether it'll turn to go or stop.

Whether it'll turn to green or red.

So I just wait, wait, and wait.
Because I thought you wanted me to wait.
Because I thought someday you'll come around.
Because I thought you will eventually feel the same.
And because I thought you're worth the waiting.

Then, after waiting for a while,
I felt stupid.

It was this one day.
The day you told me you like her.
It took me a second to process your words.
Then the world came crashing down all around me.

I felt heartbroken.
I felt like I'm going to cry.
I felt angry.
I felt like I'm so stupid for being so oblivious.
I felt hurt.
I felt everything.

Until I don't feel anything at all.

I blamed you for the heartbroken.
You know? It can't be fixed again,
like, ever.

Days, weeks, months have passed.
I convinced myself that I've moved on.
I almost believed myself.


Then I met you again after a while.
And I felt everything all over again.
Now I know I'll never get over you.
Because I've fell too damn deep.


Stupid signals.

Or is it stupid me?

I did some searching,
then I found something.
I found out that it was my mistake from the beginning.
I found out that I've misread the sign.

Yellow is not a sign to wait,
It's a sign to be cautious.

But then I found out my bigger mistake,

I found out that I've misread you.

I realize after all this time
that you've never even gave me any kind of signal in the first place.

I was so wrong.


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