Something I Don't Know

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Tell me something I don't know
Like what do you see in me
Because when I see you, I see a great company.

Tell me something I don't know
Like why do you care so much about me
Is it because of the same reason as mine?

Tell me something I don't know
Like what do you think of me
Because when I think of you, I think about my future.

Tell me something I don't know
Like why do you always stay by my side
Is it because you want me to do the same?
Well, I always do.

Tell me something I don't know
Like are the butterflies nesting in your stomach too
Because I can feel them in mine whenever you're around.

Tell me something I don't know
Like how many words you left unsaid between us
I have so many, if you ask me.

Tell me something I don't know
Like how fast is your heartbeat when we're side by side
Is it as fast as mine?

Tell me something I don't know
Like am I the one you keep in your heart?
Because you're definitely the one I keep in mine.


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