Fire and Ice

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She is a fire
She is a source of light
She is a source of warmth
She is a symbol of bravery,
forging will, and determination
She burns everything she touch.

He is an ice
He is a source of coldness
He is a source of frigidity
He is a symbol of rigidity,
absence of love, or even hate
He frozes everything he touch.

They didn't know each other
But one day,
The great power above decide
that they should cross each other's paths
And so they do.

They really do
And along the way they attracted to each other
And they try to become the best of theirselves
His presence makes her burn brighter
Her presence makes him freeze harder

And when their paths really do collide
Everything is a mess
He extinguished her hot flame
She melted his solid form

Everyone thinks they are fighting
When in fact,
all they ever wanted to do was to hug each other
All they ever wanted was to be together

But they forgot the most important thing,

They forgot
that she can't survive being icebound,
and he can't survive a heatwave.



This piece was a request from my highschool bestfriend, azzhrmn. She requested a poem about world differences of a boy and a girl. I can't seem to make a literal version of it so I made it metaphorically, replacing the person with fire and ice.

And I got a little help from my bestbud in completing this piece so this a/n is dedicated for him, BigGuyStories.

Thanks everyone for reading ;-)

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