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Komodithrax is lying down, hearing Kiryu telling her a story when all of a sudden, BOOM! Komodithrax and Kiryu looked up. Komodithrax grunts a question and Kiryu replied," I don't know, I'm going to go out and check." As Kiryu left, Battra suddenly swooped in and roar at Komodithrax, telling her that they got to go. When Komodithrax questions on what happened, Battra grabbed her with his leg and roar that he has no time to explain. But as they head for the ocean, a missile exploded in front of the monsters. Battra and Komodithrax turned and saw Kiryu standing behind them. Kiryu flew up in the air and landed in front of Komodithrax and said," Komodithrax, you have got to stay here." Komodithrax challenged her and Kiryu explained," Please, we're just trying to protect you." Komodithrax challenged Kiryu by grunting about the fact they kept her prisoner on the Island and Kiryu said nothing. Battra roars and blast an eye beam at Kiryu, but Kiryu blocked with his shield and zapped Battra with an absolute zero cannon, damaging Battra. As Battra lies on the ground, Kiryu pinned him down and said," Please Battra, don't do this. Rodan and the humans will not tolerate your actions." Battra turned back and smacked Kiryu with his wings, but Kiryu blasted Battra with a laser beam, charged towards the divine moth and began punching him. Komodithrax gave Kiryu one apologising roar before blasting Kiryu with a heat beam, damaging Kiryu too badly that his left arm is useless." Komodithrax, I'm just doing this for your own good." Kiryu tried to reason with her but Komodithrax blast Kiryu with another heat beam, damaging him so badly that he crashed on the ground, too badly damaged to get up. With Kiryu down, Komodithrax and Battra heads for the ocean. As they ran, Komodithrax heard an explosion, she turned and saw Jet Jaguar and Cera running towards the ocean. Jet Jaguar is carrying Judas, the giant shark with one arm while motioning Komodithrax to move with the other. Komodithrax dived into the ocean and the monsters escaped, leaving an angry Rodan to glare at them. He would go after them but he cannot take them down alone, he's gonna need some help. If Godzilla's getting help, Rodan felt that he should do the same as well. So he flew to Kumonga's den. He got some monsters to recruit.


Anna look out of the peep hole of her cell. Surprisingly, there's hardly anyone guarding the cell, Anna felt like the cryogs are rather overconfident about their security and felt no need to guard the prisoners, heck both Anna and Gwen aren't even shackled. Gwen told her that just now while the cryogs has taken them prisoners, she has activated the distress signal from the comn she received from Steiner in the past. Apparently it has been 5 hours and nobody has came. As she and Gwen sat down and sighed in hopelessness, a sound interupted their thoughts." Psst. Excuse me miss." Anna looked out of the peephole, only to see a pair of eyes. They seem to look human unlike all the prisoners they saw in the corridor." Uh who are you mister?" Anna questioned. The man introduced himself," Forgive me, my name is Dr. Shida, I'm a scientist from Japan." Curious at how he got here, Anna questions the doctor," How in the world did you end up here anyway?"" Ah, it's a long story. I don't want to bore your brain." Dr. Shida said but Anna insisted," No no, please. Tell me what happened." The doctor sighed and told his tale," Alright, I'll tell you. It all started when I was trying to find a solution to kill Godzilla in around ninty something, I don't know, when I finally found a solution. A giant robot based off my adopted daughter. She has been a huge success, killing a giant chameleon and injuring Anguirus." Anna and Gwen were rather amazed when they heard it, they have seen Anguirus fought on the news and that kaiju is quite a beast in fighting, it was surprising to know he lost to a robot." However, Robot Daughter's success did not last long, the cryogs grew interest in my machine and even sent troopers to Earth to get her. Those aliens shapeshifted into several normal looking people, knocked on my door and began roughing me out. I immediately ran to my room and activated a switch to tell Robot Daughter to hide some place in the ocean to ensure the cryogs never find her. Those slimy aliens took me back to their ship and began interogating me, toturing me, beating me just to tell them about Robot Daughter's location."" Sorry to interupt." Gwen said," But I gotta ask, what makes Robot Daughter so interesting that it the cryogs will even go after her for?" Dr. Shida answered," Robot Daughter pocesses ever immense strength and power, she's strong enough to destroy cities, kill monsters and even end enemy troops single handed. The cryogs needed her kind of power to conquer the universe so they have been searching for her until they chose to give up but Commander Jona'h continued to hold me captive." Aftet hearing the story, Anna and Gwen are now wondering whether anyone will save them or the same fate will happen to them. If the cryogs are planning something big, the girls began hoping that Godzilla finds Robot Daughter, bring her back, reconcile with Rodan and team up to fight the cryogs.

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