Part two

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Next time, Godzilla faces off the Queen of the monster, ready to save the world and defend his title. Robot Daughter, Rodan, Mothra and Varan will help Godzilla in any ways to defend Earth. The epic fight for the planet will ensue, there will be bloodshed, there will be deaths on both sides and there will be sacrifices. Varan is gonna be a badass and Robot Daughter will complete what she failed in the Godzilla movie franchise. Mothra will try to avenge her species by fighting Desghidorah and there will be a magic and technology affair between Jet Jaguar, M.O.G.U.E R.A and Kiryu. Will Godzilla defeat Nemesis and save the world? Stay tune to find out. The epic fourth installment of the Godzilla legends series will be coming soon.

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