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Sasha P.O.V -

Don't Play Music Until Told


"I hate you for dragging me along with you Rollins."

"Well, I hate you for hating me. Besides you shouldn't hate me. You are going to have the most amazing night of your life. It will be a lot of fun."

"Fun? We are at an empty and abandoned park. I am missing Game Of Thrones."

"Just trust me. Go over there."

He pointed to an old table and I rolled my eyes walking towards it in a sassy way, earning a chuckle from Seth.

"I also hate you for not telling me to wear better shoes!"

I had to yell back to him because that table was really far. My feet were killing me.

"You know you love me, admit it!"

He was right. I did love him. Though not in the way he thought.
I cared about him in a more passionate way. I loved him in unexplainable ways.

I had, romantic feelings for him. Though I was a big coward and could never tell him.

I sat down and after waiting about two minutes, I felt hands on my eyes and I jumped at the contact.

"Guess who."

I could imagine that adorable cheeky smile he had on his face right now.

"Hmm, who ever could it be, I mean I didn't expect much company in an abandoned park."

He chuckled, still keeping his soft hands over my eyes.

"I will give you a hint, I am tall, tan, and the sexiest man alive."

Boy he wasn't lying. With a simple wink this man could have girls lining up to him.

I shook my head.

"Andy Biersack? What are you doing at this park?"

He removed his hands and stepped in front of me,

"Hey hey, hey. Andy Biersack is definitely not the sexiest man alive, I am."

I burst out in laughter and shook my head,

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

He rolled his eyes and sat down.

He pulled up a Picnic basket and set in on the table.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

He pulled out some containers filled with food I am guessing. He then reached back under the table and pulled out a small radio.

He knew which station was the one that could completely change my mood. He smiled at me and I shook my head laughing.

Then the song played. Our song...

Play Music Now -

"Aw. Seth."

"I told you to trust me."

"We can eat this amazing food later, right now lets dance."

Seth grabbed my hand and I rolled my eyes.

He spun me around a couple of times and we danced to the beat.

We started out slow dancing and mumbling the beginning words to the song.

It was just us under the stars. Dancing to our song.

His eyes were glistening in the moonlight. I wanted so badly to pull his lips on to mine.

How could I though? I can't even be honest with my feelings and kissing him out of no where would probably confuse him and ruin our friendship.

I had fallen hard for him over these past few months. But part of the reason I would not tell him my feelings was because rumour has it that he has found someone.

My fault for waiting too long.

She was supposedly very beautiful.

The old me would have probably convinced him something else but he has changed me.

All I care about is his happiness so as long as she treats him well I am okay.

"Do you remember the first time we heard this song together?"

I chuckled at the memory as the beat got faster to the song,

"We were blasting this station in the car and we got pulled over by the cops because we were to busy dancing and singing that you ran a red light."

We laughed and kept dancing.

"To be fair, it's an amazing song."

"It is."

We spent the rest of the night eating and dancing.

He wasn't lying when he said it would be one of the most magical nights of my life...

darlings of desire | - rewriting / under editing • completed ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя