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**Dont play song until told.**

"You know, I never really got the hang of this thing, and we used to do it all the time."

I laughed and nodded at Seth, his eyes wide open, afraid to bust his ass in front of a crowd of teenagers at the current roller skating rink we were skating in.

Our bodies were currently clung against the wall, holding on for dear life.

"Me either, so we are in this together."

He chuckled,

"You got that right bossy. I fall, you catch me."

"Mister don't fall then. Cause if you do, then your going to obtain a concussion."

He smiled,

"Would you at least make an effort, a small attempt?"

I shook my head,

"A woman my size catching you, is like James Ellsworth catching Big Show."

That comment then made us both erupt in to a sea of laughter, that was soon interrupted by us noticing our tag along buddies had arrived.

Seth and I stupidly used the wall as a guide to them, earning a few chuckles from teenagers.

Kevin and Becky shook their heads and Kevin spoke up,

"Uh, if you think my big Canadian ass is participating, your entirely wrong."

Becky clapped her hands together and smiled,

"Come on Kev, get in the spirit! This looks fun!"

I smiled at my bubbly friend and smirked at Kevin,

"You are at least trying."

He shook his head and rolled his eyes,


I pointed Becky towards the rental area and she walked over with Kevin, excited.

"What are we gonna do with them?"

I smiled at Seth and grabbed his hand.

"Let's go, we have to try without the walls guidance."

"Ugh, come on Sasha can we just start in the kids rink?"

"No Seth, we will scare them."

Seth looked at me and we both began to chuckle.

"Fine but let's at least wait for Bonnie and Clyde over there."

I looked at Kevin tying Becky's roller skate while struggling to maintain his balance. Soon enough they had gotten ready and stumbled over to us.

"Hey yo is that Kevin Owens!? Damn I didn't know people over a thousand pounds can roller skate!"

Becky, Kevin, Seth and I all turned our attention to a group of teenagers laughing their underaged asses off.

Kevin bit his tongue and let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Oh hey yo is that a group of some lost children? Because last time I checked, you guys should be getting milk from mommy and having daddy change your diapers."

Becky and I bit our lip trying to avoid laughter and Seth just full out expressed his humorous thoughts.

The teenagers flicked Kevin off and another one spoke up.

darlings of desire | - rewriting / under editing • completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now