Chapter 13: Bleeding out

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"Oh you tell me to hold on
but innocence is gone and
what was right is wrong"

*some strong language ahead*

Emma P.O.V

Something isn't right about this. I know Nate wouldn't cheat on Audrey. He would never want to hurt her. So the question is where did Aimee get the picture from? Ugh. There's an explanation but stupid Nate isn't answering his stupid phone.

I decide that after work I'll go to talk to the one who caused this shit. Hopefully, she will answer questions when I confront her. Of course I can't let Audrey know about my plan. Once I figure out everything then I'll tell her. I turn to look at her and see she's staying busy to keep her mind off of Nate. I really hope I'm right.

I remember where Aimee lives because one day I dropped her off at home when her car stopped working. Knowing how she is now I would have enjoyed seeing her walk all the way here.

I park near the two story house and make my way to the front door. It's a nice place but from what I heard, her parents won't be able to keep it for much longer with all the money problems they currently have.

I knock instead of using the doorbell. I feel like taking my anger out on her ugly ass door.

I hear footsteps on the otherside and suddenly she opens it.

"What are you doing here?" Aimee basically looks at me in disgust.

"I'm here for answers. I know there's something more to that picture you sent Audrey."

"Oh, she recieved the message? Good." She smiles. "I have nothing to say, after all a picture says a thousand words right? I warned her." She smirks and then proceeds to try to close the door on me.

I just barely manage to stop it from closing with my foot. "Look, stop being such a bitch and leave Audrey alone. Nate doesn't want you and never will. When he finds out what you did what do you think he's going to do? Be happy and come running after you? Stop being delusional."

"Shut up you stupid slut! Get off my property! Fuck you and your friend. Good luck finding out about the truth about that picture bitch." She yells at me.

"Why are you like this?" Is all I can ask.

She just slams the door in my face as a response.

I decide to go home and do some research. Aimee just hinted that there is something about that picture. Nate and his family are wealthy so I'm sure they are talked about in the media.

As soon as I enter my apartment I go straight to my laptop and google Nate Kingston. All I see is news about Kingston Inc. and their business. Hmm. I add girlfriend to the end of his name and see some results. I find a recent article that says he is single and focusing on work. It even mentions rumors that he's going to Kemah Texas to look into buying the boardwalk. So this article was written before he came here. I keep reading and notice it says he hasn't had a girlfriend since his last relationship ended two years ago. It mentions her name is Angela Ryan.

I google both their names and see the picture Aimee sent. I click on it and read the article attached. I see it was taken 3 years ago. I knew it! This picture isn't recent, it's from when he was dating his ex. It says that she is an "up and coming" model. I knew I recognized her from somewhere.

I can't believe Aimee would stick so low to try to make it seem that Nate was cheating. Wait, never mind, I do believe she would do it. Because she did.

I think about whether I should call Audrey or go to her house and tell her when my phone starts ringing.

I look at it and see it says Nate. Wait, what the fuck? I answer it right away.

"Nate! What the hell? Why haven't you been answering your phone?!"

"My phone had stopped working and I had to take it to get repaired. I  finally got it back today. I would have called sooner but all the phone numbers are on my cell so I didn't memorize them. Hey, I tried calling Audrey several times but she isn't answering. I'm worried. Is everything okay over there?"


"No? What happened? Is she okay? Did something bad happen?" Nate really sounds upset and concerned.

"I mean, she's safe physically. It's something else...."

"What? Tell me Emma! I'm freaking out here."

I tell him everything about Aimee and what she did.

"That's probably why she isn't answering her phone right now."

"Fuck. Okay thanks for telling me. I'm flying back tomorrow. I will explain to Audrey in person."

"Do you want me to at least tell her the picture is old?"

"No, I will tell her. I should be there by noon. Is she working?"

"Yeah. We work together again."

"I'll go there and talk to her."

"Sounds good. I knew you wouldn't cheat on Audrey. But if for some reason you were an idiot and did, I would have murdered you by the way."

"Of course I wouldn't cheat on her! I love her."

"Awww. You better tell her that when you see her."

Chapter Note: Today I did a double update! Special shout out to fangirl_Flame for always supporting the story. Also a big thank you to anyone reading this :)

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