Other Works

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📌Here's a list of my other stories, I hope you check them out 😉

Kiss with a fist


"What's your name?" He tries again.

Should I tell him so he can shut up? Or will he just keep talking.

"Fine. Don't tell me. But personally I think we are going to be great friends. Maybe I should tell you a bit about myself so you can trust me. Stranger danger and all that. That's why you're not talking to me right?"

I don't respond.

"So here it goes. My name is Alexander Daniel Woods. I have amazing black hair and piercing green eyes as told to me by various ladies. My major is in marketing. My blood type is O positive, my social security number is 45-"

"Oh my god, do you ever shut up?" I finally break.
Meet Alexander Daniel Woods, the university's rich popular playboy. He gets whatever he wants and all the girls want him.

Except Amelia Morgan. She and Alex are both seniors about to graduate but have never met. She knows of his existence but detests guys like him so she stays far away.

When they finally meet, Alex gets on Amelia's nerves. When they get paired for an assignment and are forced to work together, let's see who survives.

New Adult Romance/Still updating


Other Works

Addict with a pen


Explore the story of a young twenty year old girl struggling to cope with her depression and anxiety. She starts writing in a journal to help get her emotions out since she feels she has no one to turn too.

Completed Short Story

It Comes Back To You (Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat