Chapter 15: Rocks

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"Why can't I see
What's right in front of me?"

Nate P.O.V

"I almost forgot." I pull out a small bag from my pocket and hand it to Audrey. "It's the souviner I got you from Cali." I hope she likes it.

"Thank you, I can't wait to see it." She smiles at me as she opens the bag. I love her smile. It just makes me happy. And right now I'm sounding all mushy.

I got her a dolphin necklace because it's her favorite animal. When I saw it I immediately thought of her. It has three dolphins around in a cirle and each are a different color. One is pure silver, the other gold, and the last is rose gold. It wasn't cheap but I didn't care. But I know she would refuse it if she found out the cost, so no need to tell her.

"I love it!" She says as soon as she sees it.

"Glad you like it." I tell her. She gives me a kiss on my cheek.

Since she's still working we make plans to spend the day tomorrow. Before I leave I put the necklace on her.

As I'm about to head toward my apartment, I remember there's something I have to take care of. I text and ask Emma for some information.


"Hey Chris! I didn't know you were back in town! So good to see you! How did you know where I live?" Aimee says as soon as she opens her door. She tries to give me a hug but I put my hand up and stop her.

"You're a really good actress." Is all I say.

She looks confused "What are you talking about?"

"The whole nice bit. I know what you said to Audrey. I want you to stay away from her. You tried to tear us apart. Luckily it didn't work."

She then tries to look sorry. "I only did it because I love you! I couldn't stand the thought of you with her. That's why I did it."

"You don't even know me. What I do know is that you love money."

"That's not true. I -" I talk over her to stop her from continuing.

"You're right, you also care about stature. So I'm telling you now that if you ever get in between me and Audrey again I will make sure you're family's reputation is ruined. I'm sure you wouldn't want people to know that your parents almost got arrested for tax fraud. They would never be able to start another business." I look her in the eye to look serious. I'm not the type to make threats but I want her to stop.

She drops her act and looks like she wants to hit me. Good, maybe it will get through her head.

"Fuck you and your girlfriend. Don't threaten me! You don't know what I'm capable of! Screw you!" She then slams the door.

All I want is for her to leave us alone.


Aimee P.O.V

"You were supposed to make him fall in love with you, not hate you and theaten us! Can't you do anything right?!" My mom yells at me. Her and my father came to get progress on me and Chris. She expected him to fall for me so we could get married, save the family name, and have a fortune.

"Your an idiot." My dad tells me calmly.

"Obviously! He was our last chance. The other theme park buyers don't have sons we can introduce you too. We don't know anyone else with money for you to marry." Mom then starts walking back amd forth.

"You have one week to move out. We will sell your place and hopefully make some money off it." Dad suddenly announces.

"So, I'm moving back with you guys?" It's not appealing since I'm used to having my own place.

Mom just scoffs. "No. We offered you a free education early in life and you didn't want it. You had a job but then quit it because you hate working. You did this to yourself. Find your own place. We will no longer be giving you any money. You are dead to us." She then slaps me.

"You can't do this to me! I'm your daughter! I don't have enough money to get a place. I'll be homeless!" I plead with them.

"You should have thought of that before spending it on stupid things. C'mon Lisa, lets go."

My mom and dad then walk out the door.

This is all Audrey's fault! And her idiot friend Emma! I'm sure she told Chris everything. Not only do I not have him, but now I have no money and no place to live!

I start throwing whatever I can find onto the floor. I hear glass breaking but I don't care. I scream until my throat hurts.

I stop and look at the mess I made. I don't care though. It wont be mine anyways.

I go sit in my bedroom and think about how I'm going to make everyone pay. Anger and revenge is all that I have in my mind now.

Chapter Note: It was fun to write in Nate's point of view! The dolphin necklace he gave Audrey is pictured above. As for Aimee.....lets just say trouble is near.
^chapter was previously named: who we are part 2

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