{2} You Tickle the Dragon, You Get Burnt

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The rest of the morning before classes stared went by smoothly.

And by smoothly, I mean Kayden and I arguing about the smallest, most ridiculous things.

I.e: Which Olsen twin is prettier.

Yes, I know they're identical twins! Which is what made the damn argument so ridiculous.

To be honest, I think Kayden and I are so used to arguing, we automatically go against eachother.

We may hate eachother, but we sure as hell work well together on court.

That's right. On court.

I play basketball for the boys team. I'm captain for the girls team and co-captain for the boys, Kayden being the captain for the boys. He, my brothers and I are the starters. We play varsity.

"No! My best friend is named Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops and he eats Skittles and poops rainbows!" Reese yells at Nate and Cole as Kayden, Kyla and I watch in amusement.

"I thought Kayden was your best friend." Kyla pipes up, trying not to laugh at what Reese was saying.

Reese pauses for a second, his eyes flitting to Kayden then back to Kyla. "Oh, yeah. Him too."

I snort at the bluntness of his tone.

"Nice to know I'm loved." Kayden says sarcastically.

I chuckle before cutting in. "Hey, Kyla, what do you have first?"

"Maths!" She groans. I feel you, sister. I feel you. "What about you, guys?"

"Maths." My brothers and I reply in unison.

Hehe, quadruplet telepathy.

"Me too." Kayden adds.

"Like we care." I shoot at him.

"Like we care." He mimics me in a high-pitched voice.

"I don't fucking sound like that!"

"I don't fucking sound like that!"

"Fuck you!"

"When and where?" He smirks, making me whack him in the back of the head with some random kid's book. He curses and rubs his head as I smirk and give the book back to the kid, muttering a thanks.

He was about to say something, but the bell rang.

I was about to cheer about getting away from Kayden, but then I realized he has maths with me.


If there's one thing I hate -okay, maybe not one thing, but the thing I hate the most- it's Samantha Jones. Westview High School's very own Regina George.

Freaking bitch.

If I were in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and her, and had a gun with two bullets, I would shoot her twice.

Those were the thoughts I was having when she walked up to Kayden in maths.

"Hi, Kay." She smiles a sickly sweet smile as she sits on his desk, leaning down, giving him a good view of her breast.

"Hey, Samantha." He greets back. Samantha leans down and gives him a big, wet, sloppy kiss on his lips, Kayden happily kisses back.

Did I mention that Kayden is also a man-whore? No? Well he is.

I roll my eyes and gag, making Kyla giggle and my brothers snort.

"Do you have something to say?" Samantha pulls away from Kayden and throws me a glare.

I throw my hands up in surrender. "Oh, don't mind me. I'm just over here, trying not to throw up at your public display of affection."

"It's called kissing." She corrects with a snarl.

"No, it's called you trying to suck eachother's faces off."

"You think you're funny," she starts, but I cut in.

"No, I think I'm adorable." I smile innocently. "I also think you're desperate."

She gapes at me. "Y-You bitch!"

I snort. "Nice one. But do me a favour and save up all your comebacks in a piggy bank and break it open when you have a better one."

"Ooooooohhhhh! Roasted!" My brothers whoop as Kyla laughs at Samantha's red face.

"Kayden, did you not hear what she just said to me?" She turns to the blue-eyed idiot next to me. "Do something?"

"Okay, I'll do something." Kayden says before he raises his hand and high-fives me.

Yeah, we're weird like that. I mean, we hate eachother, but we have our moments. So basically, we're frenemies, who are more like enemies. Does that make any sense?

She stomps her foot before walking back to her desk.

Yeah, that's right bitch. That's why you don't mess with a TeNana.

You tickle the dragon, you get burnt.


The day went by smoothly.

Well, apart from the time Kayden and I found out we have all the same class together.

Five out of five classes together!

Maths, English, P.E, Art, and History.

Kyla, Nate, Cole and Reese only have Maths, English, P.E, and History with us.

Well, I guess having all the same classes with Kayden is better than having all the same classes with Samantha...right?

Anyway, it's lunch time now and I was at my usual table with Kayden, Kyla and my brothers.

"Oh my god, you burnt the hell out of Samantha!" Kyla laughs as I steal a fry off Kayden's plate and shove it in my mouth as he tries to snatch it back.

"Bitch." He groans.

"Asshole." I mimic.

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