{29} Nothing Happened...kinda

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"I'm so tired!" Kyla whines as we walk up a hill.

"Babe," Cole starts. "We've been walking for ten minutes."

"Someone carry me!"

We all share a look before replying in unison. "Oh, hell no."

I turn to Kayden, giving him the puppy face. "Kade, can I have a piggy back?"

He smiles at me, turning around. "Sure."

I grin and jump on his back, my arms going around his neck and his hands going under my thighs.

Kyla looks at Cole. "Why don't you give me a piggy back?! Kayden's giving Storm a piggy back and they're not even dating. Why is Kayden giving her a piggy back, but you're not giving me a piggy back?!"

"Because Kayden's whipped." Cole simply says, making Kade give him the middle finger.

I laugh and rest my chin on the top of his head as he and everyone else continue up the hill.

A few minutes later, we hear the sound of rushing water.

What the-

I hop off Kayden's back and run to where the sound is coming from,the others following suit. I move a giant fan leaf to reveal a waterfall with a small lake at the bottom.

"Holy..." I start, gaping.

"Mother..." Cole continues.

"Freaking..." Nate carries on.

"Shit." Reese finishes before looking up at the sky. "Foo-Foo, do you see this?!"

I walk over and stand at the edge of the small lake.

Kayden comes up and stands beside me.

"Guys, isn't this beauti-" I spin around and see everyone gone.

Now it's just Kayden and I.

"And they left us." Kayden states.

"Nooo." I drawl sarcastically. "They just decided to play hide and seek. Come out, come out wherever you are!" I yell into the forest.

"What is it with you and sarcasm?" He questions, turning to me.

"It's a talent." I shrug before lunging at him  and taking us both into the water.

I laugh as we come back up his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck.

"You're so skinny." He frowns.

"I have a toned body and you know it."

He nods. "Yeah, but you're still pretty skinny."

It's true, I have girl abs, but I'm still skinny.

"And you're lean." I state. "What's your point?"

"That you eat like a pig and you're still skinny as hell." He states bluntly.

I slap shoulder playfully. "Whatever."

Wow, comeback of the century. Give me an award.

"You're beautiful." He whispers, his blue eyes staring into my grey ones.

I just shake my head, moving a piece of his black hair that was stuck on his forehead.

"You're handsome." I admit, leaning forward unconsciously.

He looks like he's contemplating something before he whispers a, "fuck it." And leans forward.

Capturing my lips with his.

Kayden's kissing me.

Our lips move in sync, my hands going to his hair, tangling them in. His arms tighten around my waist, pulling me closer.

A few minutes later, we break away before whispering in unison.



After the kiss, we got out of the water and walked back to the swimming hole, laughing and talking.

Acting like the kiss never happened.

I don't know what happened.

But, uh, yeah, I don't even know.

Nate, Cole, Reese, Kyla, Cassie and Hannah all take in our soaking wet frames, before the girls grab my and the boys grab Kayden, dragging us to separate tents.

"We have a lot to talk about, so don't bother us!" Hannah yells over her shoulder.

"Don't worry, so do we." Nate calls back.

"Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops, please tell me they kissed."

I think we all know who said that.

At least my brothers aren't going to kill him when they find out.

I think.

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