{31} Baby Making in the Grocery Store

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"Jon Kortajarena is beautiful." I sigh out dreamily as Kayden and I sit in his room watching Acantilado.

I don't usually act like this about boys but have you seen Jon?

He's hotter than hell.

"Not as hot as me, though." Kayden says, jealousy laced in his voice.

That's true, but I'm not gonna make his Texas sized ego into a China sized ego.


"Eh? What the heck is eh supposed to mean?"

I shrug. "Eh."

"Kayden, Summer-Storm!" Mama Paris' voice rings out from downstairs. "Can you two run to the supermarket for me?!"

"Yeah, Sure, mamí!" Kayden calls back.

We go downstairs where Mama Paris is waiting in the kitchen.

"Here's the list." She says, holding it up. Kayden reaches over to take it but she pulls it away and hands it to me.

"Mamí!" He whines.


"Why did you give her the list and not me?" He complains.

"Because I don't trust you with the list." She replies bluntly.


"I love you."

"I love you, too." Kayden grumbles with a pout.

He is such a momma's boy.



"Oreos, Oreos, where are you, Oreos." I sing, pushing the trolley around the isles. I ditched Kayden in the fruits and vegetables section five minutes ago to find Oreos. They aren't on the list, I'm getting the Oreos for me.

"Aha, Oreos." I grin as I see a whole section of them. I reach up and push five packs of originals, and three packs of cheesecake flavour into the trolley.

This should last me a week.

"You ditched me for Oreos?" It doesn't faze me when I hear Kayden's unsurprised voice from behind me.



"Oreos are delicious."

"You know what else is delicious?" He questions, a cheeky smirk on his handsome face. "My d-"

"Okay, okay, shut up!" I snap, covering my ears.

You don't have to be a genius to know what he was going to say.

"Why? You scared?" He walks closer to me, the smirk still covering his face. He backs me into the shelves, bracing his arms by my head.

I scoff. "Summer-Storm Lele TeNana-Williams doesn't get scared."

Just then, an old lady walks past with her husband. She glares at me and I glare right back.

"Wha-stop staring at the granny." Kayden says.

"She's staring at me, too."

"Stop it."


Then the granny speaks to her husband in a hushed tone, or what she thinks is hushed. I can hear her loud and clear.

"Teenagers these days, making babies in grocery stores."

I smirk as I get an idea.

I turn back to Kayden, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Summer, what're you doing?" He whispers, an eyebrow raised.

"Just play along." I whisper back, leaning forward to trail kisses up and down his jawline.

Holy hell, his jawline is sharper than glass.

Kayden smirks as he understands my idea. He places his hands under my thighs, lifting me up. I wrap my legs around his waist.

He pushes me back into the shelves and put his lips at my neck, peppering kisses.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the granny's eyes bulge out. She lets out a strangled gasp and storms past. Her husband follows, winking at us on the way.

I start laughing, leaning my head on Kayden's shoulder. "Oh my life. Did you see her face?"

Kayden chuckles. "Yup. She looked like she was about to have a heart attack."

"But seriously, who the hell would make babies in a grocery store?" I question as he puts me back down on the ground.

That cheeky smirk makes its way back onto his face. "I don't know, but we could always find out."


When we get home, I quickly hide the bag of Oreos at my house before helping Kayden bring the groceries into his house.

"Mama Paris, we're home!" I call as Kayden's sets down the last plastic bag on the counter.

Emily rushes into the kitchen. "Thank you, kids."

"No problemo." I smile.

"Kayden, put these away and go to Storm's house." She orders.

Kayden looks at her with a mouthful of Sour Patch Kids. "Fhwhy."

Mama Paris and I both look at him in confusion. "What?"

He rolls his eyes and swallows the candy. "I said, why?"

"Because I want some some mother-daughter time with my goddaughter." Mama Paris rolls her eyes with a 'duh' tone.

"Okay, but why do I have to put away the groceries?"

"Because I'm your mother and I said so." Mama Paris says, snatching the packet of Sour Patch away from him, giving them to me.


"I love you."


Like I said, momma's boy.


"You got it, dude." Mama Paris and I quote Michelle from Full House.

I love Full House. It's the best show ever. Michelle's my favourite. And Uncle Jesse.

Mama Paris' cell phone rings and she answers it and puts it on speaker without taking her eyes off the T.V.


"Mamí, can I come back and get some Skittles?"

"No." She hangs up and continues watching Full House.

Oh, how I love Mama Paris.

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