{22} Shut Your Face, Cole

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Kyla left Reese and I alone when he came over and probably went to go find Cole.

So when Reese piggy backs me to History, I'm surprised to see Kyla sitting in her normal seat and my one empty. I then see Daezahn and Samantha glaring at me from the other seats Kyla and I had to sit in.

I look down at Reese.

"We ditched them. Kayden told them to fuck off and never talk to us again." Reese giggles, setting me down in the seat in between Kayden and Kyla.

I look at Kayden and he gives me a small smile, making my stomach flutter.

Dammit! He's making me feel bad with that cute, little, boyish smile of his!


Okay, for the last month, I've been getting this weird feeling in my stomach every time he was near me or when someone mentioned his name.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I manage a small smile back.

I see his face light up and his grin get bigger, making him look adorable.

What is this boy doing to me?


As I'm walking to English, I get pulled into an empty Economy classroom.

I turn around and see Cole.

He walks over to the whiteboard, which had multiple diagrams drawn on it.

All stick figures.


He shushes me and points to a diagram of a stick girl walking away and three stick boys looking down. "This is what happened when we told you we didn't believe you."


He then points to a diagram of four stick boys, two of them with stick girls clinging to their arms. "This is when you completely ignored us. Which I don't blame you for."


He then points to a diagram with a stick girl with steam coming out of her head and four boys sitting down. "This is when Kyla made us realize that everything Daebitch said was a lie."


Lastly, he points to a diagram with a stick girl and stick boy with a whiteboard behind them. "And this is me apologizing to you. "I'm sorry, Summer-Storm. I genuinely am so, so sorry, Stormy. I should never have believed that blonde bitch over you, but I did, and I'm so, very sorry." He says. "I'm so, so, so sor-"

"Cole Xavier TeNana-Williams, shut your face!" I yell, cutting him off. "I forgive you."

Of course I forgive him. He drew a whole bunch of stick figure diagrams on the whiteboard to apologize. And he's my brother.

"I'm sorry, I love you, sis." He says. And don't use my full name, Summer-Storm Lele TeNana-Williams!"

I chuckle before hugging him.

"I love you, bro."


Nate hasn't apologized.

I don't know when or if he's going to do it. I mean, this is Nate we're talking about. The stubborn, hard-headed dumbass.

I remember when we were younger, every time he did something wrong, he admitted it a month later. And if he did something to someone else's property, he didn't say sorry.

If anything, there's more of a reason to be surprised if he apologizes.

I laugh as Cole slings me over his shoulder and starts running to Math.

"Coley, why're you running?"

"Because if I want to graduate, I have to have good grades. If I want to have good grades, I can't be late to class." He explains. "And don't call me Coley."

"You already have a 4.0 GPA, so screw being late to class." I roll my eyes. "And I only call you Coley because I know you hate it. So no, I'm not going to stop."


Lunch time, in one word, awkward.

Even though Cole, Reese and I are alright now, Nate and Kayden still haven't apologized and there is a shitload of tension.

No one talks.

Not me, not Kayden, not Cole, not Nate, not Kyla, not Reese, who is the most talkative person I know.

Okay, Reese didn't talk until now.

"Soooo," he trails off. "If I eat myself, will I become twice as big, or disappear completely?"

We all look at him before I speak up.

"Mind blown." I hold my hand up next to my head and pretend to shoot a gun.

"What is the phobia of chainsaws called?" He questions.

"Common sense." Kayden replies before tossing me an Oreo.

I see something sticking out of the middle and pull it out.

A note.

Please forgive me, Princesa.

I look at him and he shrugs, a shy look on his usually confident face.

I laugh slightly before eating the Oreo.

"I'll think about it." I say, coolly, making his face drop.

What? He deserves a little torture, right? Plus, I'm obviously going to forgive him.

"How were unicorns created?" Reese asks loudly, making us snap our attention to him.

I answer this time.

"A kid with ice cream was like, 'Ooh, pony!' The kid tried to ride the it, but dropped his ice cream on its head. The cone stayed. When the pony had a baby, the baby had a horn."

"So Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops' ancestor was a pony with an ice cream cone on its head?!"

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