{16} Ask Her Out, Idiot

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Kayden, Nate, Reese and I watch Cole chat away on the home phone with a lovey dovey look on his face.

It's been three hours since we got home from detention, meaning it's seven o'clock now. The first thing Cole did when we got home was call Kyla using the landline.

He's been talking to my best friend for three hours straight!

I'm supposed to be talking to my best friend for three hours straight!!

All we've been hearing for the past three hours is;

"I like you a lot."

"I wish you were here with me."

"I really like you."

Like, oh my life! Just shut shut up already!

And not only that, but since the home phone is wireless, every time Kayden, Nate, Reese and I moved to another room to block out his loud chatter, he follows.

And it's not helping that he's on speaker phone.

It's bad enough having to listen to one side of the conversation, but both?!

Have mercy.

"I'm starting to think getting Cole and Kyla together was a bad idea." Kayden whispers irritatedly as we hide in the attic.

The motherfreaking attic!

Okay, let me explain.

The attic in my house is utterly creepy.

It's dark, dusty, and smells like cheese. It has spiderwebs everywhere and the walls are covered in some weird carvings. And sometimes, at night, creepy sounds come from up here.

Just then, a low creek rings out, as if warning us to get the hell out.

Apparently, Reese's thinking the same thing.

Reese scoffs. "Pshh, bitch, this is our attic, we ain't getting out." Then a loud bang rings out, making us look at eachother. "Hey, you guys want to get out of here?"

We all nod in agreement before scrambling out and down the ladder, making sure to shut and lock the door.

We go downstairs to the kitchen and find Cole sitting at the island, and surprise, surprise, still talking to Kyla. The only difference now, is that they're trying to decide who's going to hang up first.

"You hang up first." Cole says, a smile on his bronze face.

"No, you hang up first." Kyla giggles from the other end of the phone.

"No, you hang up first."

"No, you hang up first."

"No, you hang up first."

"No, you hang up first."

"No, you ha-" I cut Cole off.

"No, I'll hang up first!" I yell, snatching the phone away and hanging up.

"Storm!" He whines, glaring at me.

I ignore him and walk over to Kayden, Nate and Reese, who are watching in amusement.

I slowly walk behind Kayden. He looks at me suspiciously.

It didn't help my case when I started whistling suspiciously.

Then suddenly, I jump on his back.

He didn't move an inch.

He places his hands under my thighs so I wouldn't fall.

"Piggy!" I yell, grinning. I hear him chuckle and see my brothers looking at us with their brows raised.

"Since when do you touch him?" Cole questions me.

"And since when do you touch her?" Nate questions Kayden.

"Seriously, Foo-Foo, what the hell have I missed?" Reese questions, looking up at the sky like he did a few days ago.

"Since we became friends." I answer Cole and Nate in a 'duh' tone, wrapping my arms around Kayden's neck.

"And since when are you two friends?" Reese asks, looking between the two of us.

"Since I spent the day with her when she started her period." Kayden answered casually.

Reese chokes on his spit. "She was on her period?!"

Nate gags. "Dude, that's our sister. We did not need to know that."

Cole pinches the bridge of his nose. "I accused you of having sex."

We all shudder.

Sex during period? Yeah, no.

"Back to the subject at hand." I exclaim, getting the boys attention. "Cole, have you even asked Kyla out?"

Cole nervously chews his lip. "...no."

Kayden, Nate, Reese and I all stare at him.



"Ask her out."

"Ask the girl out."

"Dude, ask her out."

"Ask her out, bro."

Those are the only things Cole's been hearing since yesterday.

It is now Saturday and Kayden, Nate, Reese and I haven't stopped pestering him to ask Kyla out.

"Dude, Kyla's here, ask her out or else Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops is going to shove his horn up your ass." Reese threatens. We all stare at him in horror and he realizes what he said. "EW. No, okay, I didn't mean it like that you dirty minded freaks!"

"You got the innuendo, so that makes you a dirty minded freak, too." Kayden smirks, watching Reese falter.

"I-you-Foo-shut up!"

Yes, Kyla is here. I invited her over for 'Netflix and Relax', but little does she know, that Cole is going to ask her to be his girlfriend.

Cole doesn't know, either.

I then look at Cole.

"ASK HER OUT, IDIOT!" I screech, giving everyone a fright.

"You want me to ask her out? FINE! I'll ask her out!" He snaps, just as Kyla strolls downstairs and into the kitchen, where we are. "Kyla, will you be my girlfriend?!

Cole then freezes and stares at Kyla wide eyed, who is also frozen in shock.

Somebody make me some popcorn!

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