{30} How Do You Have a 4.0 GPA

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"You kissed?! Finally!" The girls squeal when I finish telling them what happened.

"HALLELUJAH!" The unmistakable voice of Reese rings out from Kayden's tent.

Well, I guess my brothers didn't kill Kayden.

"But!" I start, cutting off their fangirling.

"But?!" Kyla looks at me. "Of course there's a but! There's always a but!"

"But, when we were walking back, we acted like nothing happened."


"Everyone's been waiting for Stayden to happen, and now that it does, you two idiots act like nothing happened?!" Hannah shouts, tugging at her brown hair in frustration.

"Uh, yeah."

"You-you-you idiot!" Cassie stutters, making us look at her in shock. She just called me an idiot. She's too nice to call anyone an idiot.

And she called me an idiot over a kiss!

Seriously, how many people are shipping Stayden?!

"It was just a kiss." I explain.

"Just a kiss?" Kyla repeats slowly. "JUST A KISS?! I've been waiting my whole life for the Stayden ship to sail! And when it does, you act like nothing happened! MY BEST FRIEND IS A FUCKING IDIOT!"

I look at her blankly. "Why don't you say it a little louder? I don't think China heard you."

"Why you-" she lunges at me and starts tickling me.

"No-Kyla-I hate you! Stop!"

She knows I'm the most ticklish person ever.


A few minutes later, she stops.

"You two dumbasses better admit your feeling to eachother soon." She say, sitting up.

"Very soon." Cassie nods.

"Very, very soon." Hannah adds.

By soon, do they mean in a hundred years?


That night, I lay awake in my sleeping bag, looking up at the top.

Damn you Kayden! I can't sleep because I keep think about that kiss!

He's a goooood kisser.

I growl before crawling out if my sleeping bag and out of the tent.

I grab one of Kayden's hoodies that I stole.

It smells soooo good. Just like him.

No shit. It's not like it's his hoodie or anything.

Shut up, subconscious!

I put the hoodie on and decide to take a walk in the woods.

I really want to tell him that I like him, but...

What if the kiss was in the spur of the moment?

What if he rejects me?

What if he doesn't like me?

I'm nervous.

Summer-Storm Lele TeNana-Williams doesn't get nervous. Or shy, or scared.

And I'm nervous to tell Kayden how I feel. I'm a straightforward person, so this is just making me even more nervous.

I'll tell him.

When Satan kills me for being too much of a sarcastic bitch and drags me down to hell.


The next morning, we all pack up and stuff everything in the cars, ready to go home.

"Seating arrangements!" Cole shouts, clapping his hands.

"Nate, Hannah, Reese and Cassie in one car, and me, Cole, Summer-Storm and Kayden in the other!" Kyla immediately orders, already shoving Kayden and I into the back seat of the car.

Cole hops into the driver's seat and starts the car as Kyla climbs into the passenger's seat.

This car ride can turn out one of two ways.

1) Really awkwardly.


2) Kayden and I acting like nothing happened.


The car ride was option 2.

Kayden and I acted like nothing happened while Cole and Kyla shot us daggers through the rear view mirror. We ignored them and talked about anything but the kiss.

As soon as we get home, my brothers drag me to our house, and the girls drag Kayden to his house.

We're in trouble.

"YOU TWO KISSED AND NOW YOU'RE ACTING LIKE YOU DIDN'T?!" Nate, Cole and Reese shout in unison.


"I swear to god, Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops is going to stick his horn so far up your-"

Reese is cut of by Cole. "Okay,  Reese, first of all, ew. That sounded wrong. And second of all, we're going to kill her before Foo-Foo can get to her!"

"Hey! Try being in my position!" I yell, getting their undivided attention. "I've never liked anyone before, I've just kissed Kayden not even 24 hours ago, and I don't know if he likes me back! How the hell am I even supposed to tell him how I feel?!"

Nate blinks at me. "Are you LOCO? Of course he like you! HE'S THE ONE THAT KISSED YOU!"

"STOP YELLING!" I shout at him.


"GUYS, SHUT UP!" Cole silences us. "Okay, Summer-Storm, here's the deal, if you don't tell him how you feel, we'll make you."

"But what if he doesn't like me back?" I ask, making their jaws drop.

"Okay, seriously. How do you have a 4.0 GPA?" Cole pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Summer-Storm, OF COURSE HE LIKES YOU!" Reese shrieks, tugging at his hair in frustration. "He spent the day with you when you started your period. He gives you piggy backs whenever you want. He went to the shops at four in the morning to get you Oreos. THE BOY IS HEAD OVER HEELS FOR YOU!"

We all gape at him before I speak up.

"That is the only thing you've ever said that makes sense since you were born."

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