{26} The Last Game

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"Guys," Coach Aaron stands in front of us as we sit on the floor of the gym. "This is it. State Championships."

"Yeah!" Reese cheers, jumping up. All the boys on the team, Coach and I stare at him. He awkwardly sits back down next to Nate.

"Thank you, Reese." Coach chuckles. "Now, I'm not a sappy, cliché type of person, but I really need to say this, so yeah. When you go out onto the court today, I want you to play your best. For most of you, this is your last basketball game in your high school career, so do your best. Play to have fun. Winning isn't everything. Don't get me wrong, I still want you guys to win."

"Yeah!" Reese jumps up again, but sits back down awkwardly as everyone stares at him.

"I also want to say, I'm proud of you guys." Coach admits sincerely. "This has been a great season, you guys haven't lost a single game. I'm really proud of you guys. I wish the best for the seniors. Good luck."

"Now?" Reese questions, looking up at Coach.

Coach chuckles. "Now."

"YEAH!" Reese cheers loudly, jumping up and running to the bus.

We all laughing, whooping and cheering, running after him.

There's not many people on the team, seeing as this is basketball and there's only five on the court at a time. The team has eleven people.


Kayden, my brothers and I are the first five, everyone else are subs.

"I call sitting next to Summer-Storm!" Reese shouts as I sit at the back of the bus.

"No, I do!" Cole pushes Reese down in some random seat.

"I'm older, so I get to choose who sits next to Storm." Nate announces. "And I choose me!"

I look at Kayden who watches my brothers with amusement.

"What if I want to sit next to Summer-Storm?" Jack speaks up.

Soon the whole bus is arguing over who gets to sit next to me.

I roll my eyes and whistle sharply, making everyone shut up and turn to me.

"I should be able to choose who sits next to me." I say. "I choose Kayden."

Everyone groans before Reese says something that makes everyone whoop.

"Hashtag Stayden!"


After warmup, Coach calls us in to our bench.

"Okay, team, I already told you everything I needed to back at school, so Kayden, Quads, go kick some bear ass!" Coach shouts making us cheer. He turns to me. "Summer-Storm, one last time."

I smile before putting my hand in the middle, everyone following my actions.

"Wolves on three. One, two, three-"


Kayden, Nate, Cole, Reese and I run onto the court, Kayden going to the middle to do the tip, seeing as he is the tallest.

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