{11} Death Anniversary

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What the f-

"Rise and shine, sleepy heads!"

I slowly peek open one eye and see Nate, Cole, Reese and Kyla standing in my room, phones in hand, taking pictures. Kyla giggling and my brothers smirking.

I feel arms around my waist and look down at them. Hands are under my shirt, resting on my stomach. My eyes travel up the arms, up the chest, and to the face, just as his eyes open.

"Oh. Hi, Kayden." I say groggily.

"Hi, Summer-Storm." He says, just as groggily.

It takes a second for it to register.

"Kayden!" "Summer-Storm!"

We jump away from eachother, but get caught in the blankets, making us fall off the bed, making Kyla and my brothers laugh.

"Did you kids have fun last night?" Reese questions, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Did you use protection?" Nate asks, a smirk on his face.

"You better have used protection!" Cole threatens. "I don't want mini Summer-Storms running around just yet."

"How do you know they'd be mini Summer-Storms?" Kyla asks, turning to Cole. "They could be mini Kaydens."

"I was just saying tha--that wasn't the point!" He exclaims, cutting himself off.

"Really? Because it seems like you wer-"

"We didn't have sex!" I yell, stopping Cola's arguing.

"Plus, if anyone's going to be having sex here, it's going to be Cole and Kyla!" Kayden adds loudly, making Nate and Reese look at them with their eyebrows raised and Cole and Kyla stopped arguing, whipping around to face Kayden and I.

"Hashtag Cola." I smirk.





"Hashtag Stayden!" Cole and Kyla both start stuttering and talking over eachother before yelling the same thing simultaneously.

They instantly shut and look at eachother before blushing.

Reese looks up at the sky. "Foo-Foo, what did I miss?"


It's been a week and a half since the period incident.

It's now ten o'clock on a Wednesday morning, and instead of sitting in school, I'm moping around, under my covers, dark bags under my eyes, tears streaming down my face, and my hair up in a messy bun. My Nike leggings and his old basketball hoodie keeping me warm.

I've been awake and hiding under my covers since four in the morning. I got out of bed at around five to brush my teeth and change my clothes before going right back under the blankets.

While I'm moping around at home, my brothers and Kyla are moping around in school.

It might be Spring right now, but it's storming and really cold today.

It's like it's representing my emotions.

Today was a death anniversary.

The death anniversary of Jayden Paris.

The first friend I ever made.

The guy's clothes I've been wearing for the last week.

My best friend.

Kayden's brother.

Shit! Kayden!

For the first time that morning, I poke my head out from under the covers before slowly hopping out of bed and opening my curtains.

Kayden's window is closed, but unlocked.


I open my window before climbing out onto my balcony and over the railing to Kayden's balcony. I pull open his window before clambering in and shutting and locking the window behind me.

I look around and see a lump lying in his bed under the blankets.

"Kayden?" I whisper, but he doesn't answer.

"Kayden?" I say a little bit louder. He moves around under the covers before poking his head out.

"Hey, Princesa." He greets, his voice raspy, dark bags under his eyes and his shiny, black hair messier than usual. "Let me get up before you hit me fore taking your Oreos the other day."


"Yeah, Princesa?"


"Don't what?"

"Don't act like nothing is wrong!" I snap.

I watch his face fall before he holds his arms out. "Come here, Princesa."

I immediately scramble into his arms, throwing my own around his neck as his wrap around my waist, hugging me close.

"I miss him!" I start sobbing.

And let me tell you something.

Summer-Storm TeNana-Williams does not cry!

"Shh, it's okay, Princesa." He whispers, stroking my hair with one hand, the other still wrapped around my waist.

"No it's not." I cry into his chest.

"Shh. Don't cry, sweetheart." He soothes. "It's okay."

"Kade, stop!" I yell.

"Stop what?!"

"Stop acting like this isn't hurting you!" I snap again, pulling away from him. He looks down, sadly.

I grab his face with my hands and make him look at me in the eyes, using my thumbs to stroke his high cheekbones. "It's okay to cry."

That's all it takes for him to breakdown and start sobbing.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he cries into the crook of my neck.

"I miss him so much, Summer."

I runs my hands through his soft black hair, tears streaming down my face.

"Me, too, Kade. Me, too."

His Oreo PrincesaWhere stories live. Discover now