Chapter 19

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Jake's POV

Right now I am stood in front of an old wooden door that just might have Arianna behind it. And Maddie of course.

I wiped my hands on my hoodie in attempt to get rid of the sweat building up on them.

I'm actually nervous to see Arianna. Nervous to see the bruises and scars that will cover her body, or the paleness of her usually tan skin. Nervous to see the beautiful girl in pain.

I took a deep breath and placed my hand on the door knob before throwing it open. Idiots didn't lock the door. Which I'm obviously completely fine with, makes this one hundred times easier.

Almost immediately I am greeted by Michael. To say he looks pissed, would be an understatement.

"How the hell did you get here" He growled.

"Um, I drove"

He scoffed at that. Before I can even register what's happening I'm on the ground and Michael is yelling-

"Bryan, get the sluts"

What? Who the fuck is Bryan?

I quickly jump to my feet knocking Michael out with one punch to the side of his head. I find it funny how this guy thought he was going to be able to take me down.

I start searching the shed listening for any sign of the girls. My heart was beating rapidly against my chest as I got closer to the back of the shed.

There was a small whimper coming from one of the rooms. I followed the noise to a metal door in the back of the shed.

"Arianna" I yell.

"In here" I heard a small voice yell back. It definitely wasn't Arianna, I think it was Maddie.

Taking a deep breath I swung open the heavy metal door. I felt my heart literally shatter into pieces at the sight in front of me.

My stupid eyes filled with tears AGAIN when I saw the two frightened girls huddled into corners.

Both the girls looked like they haven't eaten in days. Maddie was sat in a corner with her arms tied together with rope and a metal chain around her ankle and connected to the wall. She wore nothing but her undergarments and a stained white t-shirt. She has her dirty blonde hair spread out over her back and shoulders in a mess. Shivering from the cold temperature in the room. Tears running down her rosy cheeks.

My eyes traveled across the cement floor and landed on Arianna. A lump formed in my throat as I took in her appearance.

Arianna was only in her bra and underwear. She was tied up the same way Maddie was. Her delicate skin was covered in black and blue bruises. My stomach turned when I noticed a gash running along her upper arm. Her skin is extremely pale and she also looks freezing. Deep bags were under her bloodshot eyes and tears pooled out of her dull blue eyes.

I scrunched my eyesbrows together when I noticed a hand covering her mouth. My eyes followed the arms connected to the hand and landed on a familiar looking guy. This must be the Bryan guy. Then it clicked.

He was the guy bothering Arianna at the Halloween dance.

I shakily took a step towards Arianna-

"Don't move any closer, I will shoot"

That's when I noticed the metal object pressed against Arianna's temple. A gun.

My legs nearly gave out from under me and I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest.

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