Chapter 20

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Arianna's POV

I saw Ryder's car in the distance and he was leaning against it. When he saw us coming he sprinted towards us and embraced Maddie. She jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around his waisted and hid her face in the crook of his neck. Ryder was soothingly rubbing her back as she gripped onto him like they where never going to see each other again.

"Goals" I croaked my voice sounding rough.

Jake chuckled and Ryder looked at me grinning, his cheeky grin immediately faltered as he scanned my body not even seeing the worst of it, He gasped, his eyes looking worried.

"What the hell happened in there" He asked.

"It doesn't matter, we are safe now thanks to you guys. So thank you" I said.

I held my arms out motioning for Ryder to give me a hug. Jake still holding me, Ryder embraced me in a quick hug before walking back to Maddie and picking her up bridal style as well. The guys carried us to Ryder's car. Ryder put Maddie in the front seat pulling a blanket from the back and draping it over her small body. I've always been jealous of her body.

I watched lovingly as Ryder placed a small peck on her lips before closing the door and moving to sit in the driver's seat. Jake brought me to the back seats of the car-

"Wait, what about your car" I asked quietly.

"I'm staying here till the bastards are in the back of a cop car, then I'll drive my car back"

"But I want to stay with you"

"Princess, you need to go back and get some food and rest"

"Is it that noticeable"

"Is what noticeable"

"My weight loss" I mumbled fiddling with my hands.

Jake's face turned completely serious, he looked me dead in the eyes, his grip tightening a bit around my body.

"I'm not going to lie Arianna, I can tell you've lost a few pounds, but you are still beautiful"

I looked back down at my hands noticing how boney they looked.

He begins to open the back door and set me in the seat.

"Jake" I whined giving him the pouty lip.

"Don't start that shit Arianna" He said not looking at my face.

"Please just let me stay with you"

He sighed shaking his head and picked me up again. Grinning, I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck, laying my head on his shoulder.

"You will be the death of me Arianna Mitchell" Jake said carrying me to his car.

I just giggled as he set me in the passenger seat of his car. He set me down and went to get something from the trunk. He came back with a first aid kit and a blanket.

He smiled sadly at me as he kneeled beside the car tucking the blanket around my legs. Next, he slipped my wounded arm out of the hoodie. He reached into the first aid kit, taking out stuff to clean the gash.

"No, Jake that's going to hurt"

"Come on princess I have to clean it"

I huffed looking away from him as he cleaned the wound. I hissed from the stinging but instantly relaxed when his rough hand enclosed around my boney one.

He bandaged it up with an ugly white cloth

"Okay all done" He said smiling at me. He eyes held a a sad expression. "Hey do you have any idea where my keys are"

"Yeah, they are in my hoodie inside. I don't know where he put my clothes though" I said quietly wrapping my arms around my body as a shiver ran down my spine.

"Okay well I'm going to go get them, do you want your clothes or-"

"No" I sad cutting him off.

He nodded shutting my door and waving at Ryder telling him he could head back.

I sunk into Jake's hoodie and closed my eyes.

Bryan burst into the room looking scared as hell. His eyes landed on me and he rushed to my side throwing his hand over my mouth. Suddenly I feel something cold press against my temple.

A gun.

Jake appeared at the door and everything after that happened in slow motion.

My ears were ringing from both the gunshot and my ear piercing scream. Jake's face was scrunched up in pain and he clutched his chest, where his heart was. Blood poured out of the wound and he dropped to the ground.

"Jake" I screamed.

Maddie crawled towards his lifeless looking body to check his pulse.

With sad eyes she looked at me shaking her head.

"I'm sorry" she whispered.


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