Follow Me Like A Puppy

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I'm running out of time.

My breath got heavier as I turned, yet again, into another corridor. I really had to thank the person who designed this place - I had no idea where I was.

I had no idea if they were still following me either but it was likely that they were.

I still couldn't believe that growl. What was that? Was there some animal in that room that I didn't notice?

And the door? Could they really have just broken down a door?

They have always been inhumanly strong.

But that strong?

I needed to stop or else my heart would burst. I had no idea where I was. Somewhere still on the lower floors. I needed to change levels so it'd be harder to find me.

What did they want?

Running wasn't the best solution. What would they even do to me if they caught me? But when I saw them, all the memories came flashing back to me. If they really were sorry then...where did that leave me? I should forgive them? Part ways as strangers? I knew what would happen. I'd let him back in, and after last time - I just couldn't afford that. I was shattered and nothing hurt more than knowing that the one person who you trusted the most didn't trust you. I had to look out for myself now. No surrendering to those stupid instincts and that godforsaken bond that I somehow felt only with him.

I would fight.

Noticing a staircase indicator nearby, I begrudgingly made my way to them. I climbed two floors down and then found myself in a basement.

A basement parking, to be precise.

I needed to find someone and get help but after Atticus, I didn't know who else I could trust.

I walked a little further into the lot. Rows of swanky cars stood quietly, waiting to be driven.

The Wolf was after all, a luxury hotel only a few could afford.

I stopped against a black convertible and tried to contain my wheezing. It was going to be a pain to get out of this hotel without them noticing and talking to me. I was going to kill Xena for choosing this place.

I looked around myself again, the parking lot was a huge rectangle with plenty of cars to hide behind. But could only see one exit - the one from where I had entered.

Either I've just locked myself here with no escape, or I've hidden really well.

It was odd that there was nobody here. Not even the security personnel or anybody who just happened to walk by. Nobody had just casually strolled in, driven off or driven in?

My internal instincts kicked in.

Something was amiss. Where were all the people?


Gathering whatever remaining strength I had, I pushed myself off the car and turned in a random direction.

And that's when I saw him.

He was standing at least ten cars away from me, his expression hard to see. I froze in place. I didn't even hear him, silent as the night. His simple dark washed jeans and a light shirt made him look so approachable, so charming, like a movie actor. He made even the most boring clothes seem like Gucci. It was his tall stature and the way he held himself that told the real story - he was formidable when he wanted to be.

How'd he find me?

He didn't move closer, but I knew his eyes were analyzing me. Seeing if I was going to make a break for it. He was always like that, he knew everything I was going to do before I did it. It was uncanny how well he knew me - I'd let it get that far.

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