If Tomorrow Comes

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A/N : 2000 views?! Thank you sooo much guys! Loving the support! 💚
I just want to take a moment to tell you guys how awesome you are! ^.^
And now without wasting more time, the story continues;


My eyes didn't open when I heard the agonizing cry. They didn't even open when I smelled the putrid rotting of flesh, like a dead body was nearby. They opened when I felt a blow to my collar, just below my neck. It wasn't so much as a blow but an accidental collision, because the rabid wolf was writhing in pain, just a few feet away from me.

It was screaming - if animals could scream - it's eyes shut from the pain, and it kept moving and shaking like it was trying to get rid of something attached to it.

From it's back, a column of smoke was rising, it's flesh was burning and I felt my insides churn.

I had no idea what made the wolf go crazy, but the last of my sanity made me crawl a little further away, my ankle protesting with the slightest pressure.

I felt suffocated and not just because of the smoke from the fire. It was a sort of an internal clenching of my chest. I couldn't stand the agony, mine as well as the wolf's.

It pawed the earth around it, and I could see huge mounds of soil coming away so easily. I shuddered at that raw, animal strength. It was still shooting up smoke, and the horrid smell seemed to worsen, making me gag. Ten more minutes and I would pass out, or throw up. Or both.

Help it.

I was never one to make good decisions and this would be one of those times that would stand as proof for it.

The monster that was out to get me had suddenly turned meek. It was being tortured and I couldn't stand the anguish.

It's cries reduced as it lost energy, and the ground around it was no longer being uprooted.

I know it tried to kill me but maybe it won't once I help it.

Real logical, I know.

The wolf was on the ground now, barely moving as it whined and I felt my heart clench at the sight. How was it on fire? There was nothing here!

"Let me help you." My voice rang clear above its cries and it opened its eyes to look at me. It looked so vulnerable, so human, and I found myself moving closer to it again.

"Let me help you." I said again, more firmly this time, but it gave no indication of allowance.

"You're in pain let me help you!" I said yet again, and finally, with immense difficulty, the wolf nodded it's head slightly.

I didn't think I was in much danger seeing as it could hardly move now but then again if it was faking the whole thing to get me closer then I was toast.

I mean, there was a fire.

I moved closer, dragging my injured foot to avoid damaging my ankle further until I reached the shoulder side.

Even lying flat on its belly, the wolf was nearly my height, and I would have to stand on my tiptoes to have a look at its back. The realization made me nervous. It could probably roll over and crush me under it's heavy body if it so wished.

I was in way over my head here.

And then from somewhere within the woods came another wolf, a gigantic black wolf and I recognized it as the one from my dream immediately.

But that wasn't possible..dreams were fictional. They had no correlation to reality whatsoever..

The second wolf was larger than the other. It's fur was midnight black and its body was muscular. It didn't smell, it didn't even look savage, and yet it seemed lethal. Its body reeked of royalty, like it was the true king of the jungle. The powerful aura it brought with itself was overwhelming, I wanted to bow down to it.

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