King's Pub

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Reece's POV

In a way, I was glad that Dani and Grey were going to wear earplugs. Knowing Flora, she probably wanted to know what had happened but not let a lot of people know it. I could understand that; it was always so hard for girls to speak about crimes of that nature. I wish it wasn't. My blood boiled at the thought that some man might have groped my beautiful mate. I should have killed that bastard then - I knew it. If only I didn't think about the secrecy of my kind then. I was almost sure that he would've died by the beating I gave him, but I guess I was out of luck.

She spoke softly, which was good. If she had already started heavily breathing, then this was going to take too much of a toll on her mind and body. Her eyes were shut, and she was sitting as still as a statue. Sienna's eyes were trained solely on her, while Dani and Grey were keeping a watchful gaze on me. I would call them paranoid, but anyone, even a human lover would rage if someone messed with his girlfriend.

I nodded at the three of them and began, "Do you know where you are, Flora?" I didn't use a lot of power behind these basic questions, she wasn't going to lie.

"I'm at The Wolf, in the second level of the basement section." Her voice was firm and steady – a good sign. I let out a breath that I had been holding. All vitals looked good. I was glad that she had at least some of her werewolf strength already – she would need it.

Sienna nodded in encouragement and I continued, "Do you know who I am?"

"Reece Wolf, my mate." Her short answer didn't stop the warmth in my chest from blooming. I loved that she called me her mate! This was - oh why didn't we record this?!

"Okay, I need you to go back to a specific memory, do you think you can do that?" I asked her gently, and she nodded.

Taking a deep breath, I spoke the next words with a stone in my heart. It was important to give her every single detail I could remember so she would go back to the right event in time, otherwise she could get lost in her memories and dredge some painful ones up.

"The night that we went out to King's Pub. It was Daniella, Grey and me. A beautiful Saturday night, we had just finished one semester of classes. You were wearing a black crop top and a white skirt to go with. Nothing too fancy but you looked really stylish. We met up near the corner of your house and walked to the pub where Dani and Grey were already waiting for us. You were a little nervous cause you didn't know us well, but you came nonetheless because I made you feel safe and trusted. I was wearing a simple white Henley and blue jeans, with a dark jacket. Do you remember this night?"

My heart paused for her answer; "Yes, I do."

My heart continued," Do you remember what we ordered that day?" I started using more power behind my words, her subconscious would need a harder push as she thought back to such old memories.

She nodded, a mysterious smile playing on her lips, "We ordered fries, and we split a plate of tacos. You guys also ordered some falafels, Mongolian pot rice, stir fried vegetables and jasmine rice, along with some desserts. I also had a dessert cocktail while Daniella had gin. You and Grey stuck to beers. You guys ate so much food." Ah, so that was the smile – of course our appetite surprised her.

Her perfect recollection was a good sign. She was in the right memory. This was good, so far everything was going according to plan.

"That's good, Flo. Now tell me, do you remember when you went to use the bathroom?" I put more power in The Command. Her body reacted to the power slightly, but she otherwise sat straight, not looking the slightest exhausted.

"Not really..." Her eyebrows creased and it took everything in me to not kiss her skin straight and ease all those lines. But I didn't. Instead I said, "Think about it, you said we made you laugh so much you had to go." I pushed and the wave of power that hit her made her stagger back in her chair. Sienna's hands instantly supported her, and she was fine on the outside, but her body had basically taken a hit.

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