Traitorous Half

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I can do this. Of course I can do this. It's no big deal. It's just a little revealing. Just a little. Little enough that even a gentle breeze might blow it off-

No. Don't be dramatic. You're almost there.

My inner debate was occuring in spurts. There were moments when I strutted onwards confidently, and moments where I was almost walking backwards. Someone might assume that I was suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder.

The Wolf had two common pools -one outdoors and one indoors. I chose to go to the outdoor one because it was a bigger pool - back at the basement was a shallow and just 'sit in the water and relax' kind of a pool. This one was huge, and deep, and perfect for swimming.

Out of breath, blood pumping, swimming. Despite my lean frame, swimming was something I was very good at - and I loved it.

But at this moment - with bare bits of cloth on my body - the idea wasn't as appealing as it should have been.

The water was tempting, and I hadn't had a good swim in really long. My legs carried me forward, towards the edge of the pool and I found a chair to place all my things - my cell phone, a book, the room keys and soon the robe I was so dearly clutching at.

Once you're neck deep in the water, it's hardly going to matter. It's just a matter of a few seconds. Just till you get in.

And the robe came off. I placed it gingerly on the chair, took off my slippers and then quickly turned around and jumped into the pool. It wasn't very crowded, given the cold climate perhaps the water was too chilly for the general population. The indoor pool was heated, so more people were swimming there.

I, on the other hand, enjoyed the feel of the cold water on my body. I'd hopped into the deep end and so I immediately began to swim towards the edge. Nobody really paid any heed to me, and I was more than happy about that. This way I would get to swim without worrying about my blue and white striped bikini, and how it clung so desperately to my body.

The water and the climate was perfect, cool and inviting, and I found myself getting into a steady routine. My hands started moving automatically, and I was swimming the length of the pool in a beat.

It might have been an hour of swimming, but it felt like just minutes to me. I'd finished quite a few laps and was now playing around in the pool.

"That's a fine sight." Came a voice, and I faltered in my backstroke, my body sinking a little. My balance wavered and I knew I'd have to break the lap or else I'd sink.

Kicking my legs apart to stay afloat, I looked up at Sienna who was smiling at me, making me go red.

Sienna and I had hardly spoken when I was with Reece. We'd met on and off a couple of times but she's spent most of her time here, studying at some boarding school away from her family. She was a decent girl though, with an amazing right hook - a story for another time.

I found myself unable to decide how to behave. Be friendly? She certainly was.

"My my Flo, you've got yourself a killer body." She continued as if she couldn't sense my discomfort.

"I - uh - this isn't something I usually wear it's uh-"

"Well I'm glad you did today." She laughed, wagging her eyes at me, and I felt my embarrassment worsen.

Great, blushing due to a girl. Your shyness knows no limits.

"Well I'm going to enjoy this." She said as she went and sat at a nearby chair, her eyes twinkling and I couldn't understand what was going on.

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