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Without another word he closed the gap between us and I was crushed - very literally - in his hug. His arms were so strong, so tight, so snug around me that I could have stayed there forever. He nuzzled his nose in my hair and I let out a happy giggle. I wish I could continue to relish this feeling for long but the vulnerable side of me danced around flashing warning signs. How could I agree to see someone I didn't completely trust yet?

I guess we would find out.

"You're going to choke me to death, Reece." I managed to say and he immediately loosened his grip on me, but I was engulfed just the same. His lips were near my ear and his breath kept tickling me while he held me close and despite my initial resistance, I began to laugh.

"Ree-ce! Stop it let go!" I said between chortles as he nuzzled his nose to my neck making me jump from the sudden electricity. I could feel myself relax and give into his touch, my guard was coming down.

"Reeeeceee" I yelled again but he didn't listen.

And then I felt something wet on my neck as a thousand sparks jolted me out of giggling into a more darker desire.

He licked my neck! Without warning I let out a low moan. Reece stiffened slightly and then very slowly, he pulled away.

My face was a sheet of red as my sight averted his.

One minute in his arms and I'd lost control. May caution go to hell.

"Just how we like it, Flo." Reece whispered softly and my eyes, which had been avoiding his, had swiftly corrected their sight.

"W-hat?" I stuttered, reddening by the second.

"Oh I think you heard me, ketchup." He said shamelessly and I felt my face flame even further.

The nerve of this man! He couldn't have actually read my mind, right?

Werewolves. Check.

Soulmates. Check.

Mind reading?

"Y-You can't read my mind right?" I asked him cautiously, my face still slightly red.

Reece's lips tilted into his famous one-sided smirk.

"Reece?" I asked again, biting my lip.

"Well..." He stretched it further.

Oh god oh god oh god.

"Reece! Answer me!" I put a little more desperation into my voice and shook him with each syllable.

He let out a short laugh, I could see his eyes twinkling as he eyed me again, making me flush.

"Not yet."

"Oh thank god!" I sputtered immediately, feeling myself relax. Reece gave me a sly smile and I froze.

"Not yet?! What does that mean?" His words sank in.

"It means that eventually I will."


"Relax, it's not such a bad thing!" He almost sounded hurt. Almost.

But I knew that he was enjoying my discomfort more.


"You see, when I mark you, I'm going to start being able to hear your thoughts among other things-"

"Back up, back up, 'mark'?"

At this he froze, his expression like the one of a deer caught in the headlights. My muscles tightened at his expression. Good god, what was this now?

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