Basically Manhandling

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He moved forward and took the wounded pup from my hands, gently giving it to Alyssa.

"I want to get to the bottom of this," he told her with a steely voice and she nodded, quickly turning back to go inside.

Atticus, next to me, acknowledged Reece with a slight nod of his head but he had eyes only for me. And they were not warm eyes. They were an angry, punishing green.

"Next time you decide to leave, at least inform me!" He was so close to yelling. His handsome face somehow enhanced to be even more so because of the protective intensity and I found it a little difficult to muster my anger to his level. Surely I didn't need to inform him. I should be outraged at his outrage!

"She managed to lose her escorts as well!" He fumed to Atticus, who looked back helplessly at me.

What's crawled up his ass?

"Why are you livid?" This was apparently the wrong thing to say because Atticus choked and Reece narrowed his eyes.

"Because I didn't know where you were, Flora! You're never doing this again!" He roared, his eyes moving back and forth between Atticus and me. Poor Atticus, I should teach him a thing or two about standing his ground sometime.

"Excuse me?!" What the hell?

Atticus deftly stepped closer to Reece, somewhat standing between us. He raised his hand in a defensive gesture, "what matters is that she's safe. She is right here." He patted Reece once and I found this ridiculous. I will do what I want! Thank you very much! And this young man in the middle should not appease him with such words. He should instead explain why I can, and will continue to leave unannounced whenever I pleased.

"That is no way to talk to someone! Why should I report to you?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw Atticus cringe before he stepped further between us, "he was just worried, Ms. Lori. Alpha can't convey that across is all."

Reece wasn't talking anymore, he stood there glaring at me, while I did the same. I was surprised we didn't burn holes in the poor guy's skull as he attempted to calm us down.

A thought struck me and I forgot my anger, "what escorts?" Atticus looked to Reece, his eyes wide and Reece's angry demeanor dropped as he avoided my eyes.

"Nothing you need to be concerned about." He said swiftly, but I could still hear the underlying irritation in his voice.

Guess there's no point then.

I stepped around Atticus, moving towards the hotel when I felt something snake around my wrist.

Reece held it firmly but it wasn't hurting me, instead I found delicious tingles spreading through me.

He spun me around to face him and I glared some more.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Back to my room?" I made it sound like a question but it was hard to keep the anger out of my voice.

"Next time tell me if you -"

"I don't have to do anything." I shot back almost immediately and his eyes narrowed slightly. I could tell that it wasn't such a good idea to push his buttons.

Atticus left with an apologetic glance in my direction, wheeling the cycle along with him.

Suddenly, I was yanked into his chest, with his hand leaving mine and going around me. I let out a small squeak as I managed my footing - his steely arms managed it actually - and then whipped my head up at him in annoyance.

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