Wild Hair

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True to his words, less than an hour later Reece and Noori stepped out of the elevator that led directly into the hall. I'd gotten out of my shower wearing a cute pair of checkered shorts and a tucked in black top to go with. My hair had been washed and smelled amazing and I chose to let it dry naturally, because the cut in my arm started to slightly flare up again and I didn't want to aggravate it more. My face was free of make up, never one to apply much. The bruise above my chest was slightly tender, but there was definitely an improvement.

The warm shower had really helped put things into perspective. I had come to terms with the fact that werewolves existed. I was brimming over with questions that I had to ask, and resisted the urge to write them down, lest I forget something. A small part of me was still slightly jumpy. My mind kept dredging up pictures of the rabid wolf from last night, making me shiver.

I'd..nearly died. That had to make anyone reconsider a lot of things:

I was going to embrace this new revelation with an open mind.

I was going to give Reece a chance to explain himself.

I was going to binge watch the entire series of Brooklyn 9-9.

Okay, the last one was not a reconsideration.

He looked up at me with a wicked smile that brought me out of my thoughts. Noori stood slightly behind him, adjusting the strap of her bag. She looked up at me respectfully and bent her head slightly, "Luna." She acknowledged, making me uncomfortable.

"Hi, Noori. I'm feeling so much better since yesterday, so thank you!" It was easy to be enthusiastic now. I saw a small blush rise on her cheeks that made me smile. She was so shy!

They walked closer now, and I took the chance to give Reece a smile of my own. It felt nice to be cheerful and truly happy for a change. He froze for a second, looking at me like I'd grown a head and I couldn't help but laugh merrily.

His shocked face molded into a sanguine one and he smiled back. We stood that way looking at each other for very long, both lost, until we heard a small cough.

Right. Noori.

"I'm here to check on your wounds, Luna." She addressed me professionally, and I just wanted to shake her till she loosened up a little. But first, I must fix this obvious error.

"My name isn't Luna! It's Flora. Flora Lori." I told her, stepping further into the living room towards the plush sofa set. I plopped myself down and then looked up at the two of them expectantly.

They were looking at each other in a silent conversation before they turned to look at me. Reece was holding a slight frown while the doctor lowered her head once more. "Sorry, Ms. Lori. I was under a false impression." She nearly grit out the words, giving Reece a sideways look that I did not miss.

"That's quite alright you know. Lori - Luna it happens." I nodded with a small laugh. Why was she suddenly so uncomfortable? I decided to try to put her at ease once more. "And please, call me Flora." I said gently. Noori's face heated up even more as she threw Reece a desperate glance. Reece was actively avoiding her gaze now. She then nodded stiffly, but didn't actually call me 'Flora'.

"Well then. I can assure you that everything is healing." I said easily, with a sway of my hand. Noori smiled a little, "perhaps it is best to let the doctor decide that?" She too, sat down on the sofa next to me.

I beamed at her, partly happy that she wasn't awkward anymore and partly annoyed that she was just as strict as Reece. I watched as she bent slightly and opened her suitcase. She was wearing a sleeveless work dress which showcased her strong arms easily. I wondered if she played some intense sport since the cuts in her muscles were no joke. It'd take me years to work into that kind of physique.

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