Like Tongue on Ice

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If it weren't for his one hand holding the side of my face, and the other one around my neck, I was sure to have catapulted off the bed. Desire was burning through me - in a 'let me be ashes I don't care' kind of way. I remembered exactly how he tasted - like the blaze and warmth of the forest. I couldn't ever forget this feeling - the one only he seemed to bring out in me. My hands were frozen to my sides but my lips seemed to have a mind of their own. They moved, ever so slowly against his but it was enough to keep him there. Even if this intensity would make me faint, I would be kissing him until the last of my consciousness.

And then he pulled away, all too soon. My heart yearned for him with twice as much power than before, he'd set something loose in me. He slowly distanced himself, to allow me breathing space as my mind caught up to what happened, but he didn't move very far away.

It was amazing. Even this small kiss of possessiveness made my stomach churn, and my mind launch into space. How could one kiss feel so ridiculously good?! I wanted more, I realized. My body leaned forward on it's own, my eyes shut, and I was aching to feel the fireworks that he had sparked. But Reece seemed to have suddenly grown a conscience because he didn't move forward to meet me halfway. Instead, he turned my head slightly and gave me a small peck on my cheek.

That broke me out of the spell and my hand immediately cupped that tingling skin. I opened my eyes to find him staring at me like I was treasure, his eyes held an emotion I didn't have the guts to describe.

Because surely he couldn't love me! He broke up with me! Not to mention that he wasn't human!

My face turned a shade of beetroot as I realized that not only had I responded to him, I'd also leaned forward later. I had no sense of self restraint! Or self respect! He was supposed to be a thing of the past. Done and dusted! Why did I continuously land myself in these unjustifiable situations?

Reece anticipated my flight a second before I did and his hand clamped around my shoulder once again. I didn't dare look up to meet his eyes as I struggled to get out of his hold. How many times had I tried this? By now I should know that I was no match for his strength. Somewhere in the back of my mind it registered that their insane strength came from their werewolf genes. I wasn't weak by human standards, they were just not included in them.

I really needed to keep my heart in check! This is getting out of control! I should have pushed him away the second his lips were on mine! Aaaahh!! Why couldn't I just not be under his spell for one freaking minute?!

I was getting tired of fighting him on so many fronts - emotionally, physically, supernaturally! Was there any version of this story where I came out on top?! My dirty mind snickered. I was still trying to comprehend my wanton behavior, while simultaneously trying to come up with ways to get out of there when Reece decided to speak up.

"Flora, look at me." Why did people need eye contact for a conversation? It was really unnecessary, in my personal opinion. And I decided to stick to it.

"Flora, Mate. I need you to look up."

Oh so I was 'mate' now? What was next? A 'howdy partner?' Anger bubbled inside me. He was the one who initiated it! Why should I feel embarrassed?!

"I need to talk to you about something important. Please, stop struggling?" he tried again, but I continued to hide my gaze from him as I wrestled with his hand.

"Fine, but I did try to do it the polite way." Huh? What so he's- AAAAH!!!

The next second an arm snaked around my waist and pulled me towards his chest. My eyes widened in alarm and I turned to look at him mid movement - like the slow motion scene of a movie - as he then turned us over and pushed me down as easily as if I were a doll. It all happened so fast! One second I still had some ground, and the next I was lying down - pinned under the gorgeous body of my ex boyfriend.

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