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"How long was I out?" I croaked, grimacing at how dry my throat was.

Dad jolted awake with a wide-eyed look on his face and exhaled in relief when he saw that I was finally awake, "I won't lie," he began as he rose and walked to me, "You have me worried for, like, a second."

We were in a white walled hospital room that was small and smelled like cleaner. My nose wrinkled a little but I didn't comment, "Sounds critical then." I muttered smiling gratefully when he handed over a small paper cup of water, "Did they say whether I would survive the night?"

"Might have to dig you a hole for the end of the week." Dad replied sitting on the edge of my bed. His face looked aged from the stress and he cupped the back of my head as he pressed a kiss against my forehead, "Do this to me again and I will kick you out, got it kid?"

I smiled weakly as I rubbed my hand over my forehead, wondering whether those wrinkles I imagined myself spontaneously waking up with would be there. 

Guilt ate away at my insides like an all-you-can-eat-buffet, I hated seeing what all my problems did to my dad. Hated how he was alone in dealing with it all.

Hated that it was me who was the sole creator of our problems.

"How's Bonnie holding up?" I asked suddenly remembering that for once, I wasn't a sole survivor.

Dad blew out a baffled breath with a small chuckle, "Guilt ridden, and pissed to holy hell with the ones in the other car." He grinned with a shake of his head, "But she's fine. A couple of scratches but there's nothing else wrong with her, can't say the same about the Blinder's girl."

"Sherry." Dread and confusion tore me up inside as I quickly became more alert, "What happened?"

My eagerness made my dad arch a brow but he carried on anyway, "She fainted just as you woke up." He shrugged simply but nothing was that simple when it came to me, especially since I had somehow ended up in Sherry's body, "Gossip is that all she suffered is a concussion but they kept her overnight."

"That's...wow." I muttered unsure of what I should even be thinking. I remember being inside of her, in the least creepiest way imaginable. Being a part of who Sherry is, controlling her. The memory sent shivers travelling down my spine, "I'm glad she's okay. The Blinder's must be milking it, huh?"

Dad guffawed with and slapped a hand down on his thigh, clearly prepared to start a riot about those who he had grown up with. And not-so-secretly disliked. 

But before he had a chance to jump into his little rant, a dainty knock landed on the door seconds before it opened.

"You're awake." Lennox smiled stepping into the room with a bouquet of flowers held in her hands, a smile lit up her face, "We wondered when you would. I'm glad you feel better, we were all worried."

Dad straightened at the presence of our new islander, his expression curious and open. He the look of a curious puppy on his face as he smiled pleasantly and held out a hand, "You must be Lennox, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." He greeted kindly, eager to reign in any new costumers.

"Strange how everyone knows everything here." Lennox smiled and shook his hand, she spared me a sideways glance, "Well, almost everything."

I cleared my throat and directed a slightly arched brow look at Dad who stared back at me for a second before the realization dawned on his features. 

He can be so slow sometimes, Dad cocked his head and made a low 'Oh' miffed sound before clearing his throat and standing.

"Well, I know how to take a hint." He mumbled reddening in the cheeks, "I'll go find Dr Reid for you."

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