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"It should be raining."

Julian stared at the sky with suspicion pooling in his aqua gaze, brows lowered, and eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out what kind of game nature was playing with him. Everyone was sitting inside the cafeteria, staring at the groggy grey sky above us; their eyes squinted like Julian's, and lips pursed.

Because it should be raining but it wasn't, and that's weird.

"It will rain later." I muttered replaying Lennox's prediction in my head, but there was no way that the rain could be held off until over the weekend, "Staring at the sky won't make it rain, idiot."

I knew Julian was just annoyed because he had worn a sweater for nothing; he basically lived in t-shirts, if he could, Jules would walk around school shirtless. It was weird but that was how he is; and who the hell am I to judge? I had no supporting arguments when it came to being weird.

"Now that's just weird." Julian hissed slapping a hand on the table in objection, and glowering at the sun that was peeking out from behind the clouds, "What the hell is happening to the world?"

Everyone scowled in their turtlenecks, and rain jackets, at the strays of sunlight that fell through the cracks in the cloud but I found it to be quite nice. I hated storm season for my own obvious reasons; it freaked me out. So, I was more than happy to see the delay in the wicked bad rain and cold air.

"This school is so weird."

Dillon waltzed to our table and sat at it like she owned it, flipping her glossy jet locks behind her shoulder like she was on a glamour shoot. Hell, with the number of eyes on her, I bet it felt like she was too. Even Julian didn't shy away from giving her a discreet once over before turning away.

He liked to play hard to get; but everyone knew that he was easily swayed.

"I think it's quirky." Cedric pressed his lips to the side of my head as he sat down beside me. Lennox took the seat on my opposite side, "Everyone is dressed like winter's coming." She noted with a light snort.

Julian was staring at the table like they were alien invaders before switching his gaze back to me, and I knew exactly what he was thinking; when did this become appropriate? The table we were sitting at was small, tucked back beside the window with a nice view outside. Private, and just the way I liked it.

Julian's friends, flings, and weekly girlfriends weren't allowed to sit at this table. This was my table, and I don't like people; who wants to have a conversation when eating? On the very rare occasion, like on Jule's birthday or something, I sit with him at his Jock Table.

That was it.

"I don't understand what's happening." Julian commented watching as Braedon took the seat beside him, "Did you marry into the damn family, or something?"

Braedon choked on the cookie being shoveled into his mouth, and Dillon's hands halted as she lifted her salad box lid. Of course, she's eating a salad because what else would a beauty like herself eat. I'm not even sure when the last time, if ever, I had a salad of any kind.

"You told me to make friends."

"But I never thought you would."

Cedric's hand lingered on my lower back as he turned in his chair to look at me, "We don't have to sit with you guys, if this is one of your things." He acknowledged with an understanding in coppery eyes that made me like him even more.

"I want to sit here." Lennox piped up as she unwrapped what looked like a homemade sandwich, "But you can leave at your own will, Dillon."

Dillon smiled sweetly at us, snapping the lid back onto her salad and rising from her seat, "Thank god!" She sighed looking relieved, she winked at Cedric before turning away, "See you later."

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