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The Salvador household was in full motion; preparations were being made for what they thought was going to be a full-blown war.

Since I was nothing but a nuisance, I decided to stay put a home. What use would I be there anyway? I had the same amount of training as a seven-year-old, and knew nothing about war.

Julian went radio silent on me. It had almost a full day since I had spoken to him, and he hadn't even sent me any meme's. Which meant something was up, but since he wouldn't answer my calls or texts- I decided it was probably best give him space.

So, I decided to spend my Saturday alone, because I had no friends, and I'm not overly fond of social interactions.

Even Calla had abandoned me in my time of need, by scurrying off to the market with Bonnie and my dad. It was a futile attempt to avoid my pajama fueled day.

Jokes on her; I had snacks.

What made it better? No people.

"Hello!?" I nearly fell out my seat at the sound of the front door slamming shut. Lennox glided into my line of vision dressed in a skin-tight dress under a rain coat with a pair of heels, "It's the afternoon. You are not dressed, because?"

I blinked in amazement at what words were coming from her mouth, and gestured to the window, "It's raining." I stated like it was obvious. Why would I wear outside clothes, when I had no intentions of going outside?

"You are a hermit." Lennox drawled, shrugging off her jacket, and setting down her purse, "This is what you do when it rains? Lock the doors, crawl under a blanket, and watch re-runs of...is that, That 70's Show!?"

Rolling my eyes, I hit the pause button, and frowned at the bag in her hand, "You're not planning on staying, are you?" I commented watching her take off the ankle heels, and place them next to her bag.

"Of course, I am." Lennox stated, like it was me who was being ridiculous, "It's the weekend; so, we're having a slumber party. I needed to get away from my crazy house; those people are driving me mad."

My bottom lip dropped open in shock, and I winged up a brow at her, "A sleepover in my house?" I had to ask, because I wasn't sure of most things that came out of Lennox's mouth, and this was one of those times I needed clarification.

"Uh-huh. It's the perfect opportunity seen as the road is flooded, and your father and the rodent has to stay at Bonnies!" Lennox sang in delight, unzipping her bag. Presenting a bottle of peach schnapps and vodka in delight, "Do you have any mixers? I brought some home baked goods to set the mood."

Rising to my feet to follow Lennox through my own house, I scowled in confusion, "What are you even talking about?" I demanded then let out a streak of curses when the house phone began to shrill.

"What?" I huffed picking it up, thankful that my father wasn't here to tell me off.

I was met with a long, familiar silence on the other end, before; "I did not teach you to answer the phone like that, young lady. Who do you think you are?" Dad demanded in a shocked tone, and I rolled my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked knowing that any other time he would have used his cell. Although with the weather the way it was; it's easy to guess why.

The signal must be awful, "The road is flooded, and I'm not sure if I'll make it home. So, Calla and I are going to stay...at a friend's." Dad mumbled quietly.

I made a face, and couldn't keep the smile of my face as his ridiculousness, "A friend?" I repeated in a humorous tone. I hated admitting that Lennox was right she was, "You mean Bonnie, don't you?"

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