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"They're planning a culling," I declared bluntly, unsure of how else I could possibly say it. I tried to hide the shame that burned in my mind; the guilt I felt that I was keeping a secret from them. Like how my mom was involved in supporting the decision, "They want to trade innocent souls to the Downworld in exchange for power."

Elias's eyes slipped shut and I saw the stress lines engraved across his forehead; it was like he aged a few years right before our eyes. Aleia gasped shallowly and rested a hand on his shoulder, her features baring her concern as her gaze darted between her children.

Never saw such a look on Katerina's face.

"We've been expecting this, Eli." Freya surprised me by saying, she sat cross legged on his desk with a transfixed expression on her face. Lennox looked spooked from where she leaned against the wall, "I never knew it would happen so soon." She whispered running her fingers through her hair.

I felt my brows lower in question as I glanced between them, "You already knew that this was happening?" I questioned, unable to sit still. All I could do was pace; it was what I always done when I needed to think.

A saw a speckle of guilt in Cedric's gaze as he looked away from me; it was all the answer I needed. I'd stayed the night here, seeking comfort in his embrace and harboring a secret that I was sure would change everything between us. Something I selfishly wasn't ready for.

"It's an old wraith tradition." Lance explained leaning back into his chair with a baffled expression, and he sighed deeply, "Every decade or so they Downworld demands payment in exchange for great power but it had been so long since the last that...everyone thought of it as an old wife's tale."

My brows rose a little in disbelief; if they really thought that then why weren't they shocked to death like I had been? If anything, they only looked a little surprised but otherwise expectant. I imagined that it must be like this all the time for them; after all, they were soul walking human guardians, kind of.

Was I that kind of good? I took the vacated seat next to Cedric, who shifted his broad body so that he could wrap and arm around me. A sense of comfort fulfilled me at the closeness of him, being pressed against his strong body. I don't think I had ever felt these feelings around anyone else; it scared me.

Catching me gawking at him, Cedric smirked a little at me with arched brows. A blush burned under the skin of my face at being caught and I turned my head away, ignoring the rumble of his chest against my back whilst he silently laughed at me.

"We need to alert the Cadre that it has begun."." Elias announced drumming his fingers over his legs with a perplexed expression, "Although, I suspect that they might already know. Freya, you mentioned that there had been a lot of gatherings?"

My ears perked at the familiar word; the Cadre. Elias had used the same word when threatening Katerina, not that she had looked bothered in the slightest by it but the severe tone he used made me wonder what kind of force they were.

Cedric lowered his mouth to my ear, "The Cadre are like the spirit walker authorities. The oldest of us; they make, and enforce, the laws that keep the balance between us and the wraiths. The ones that are installed to protect humanity from...well, this." He informed me, and I nodded at his explanation.

So, they were the opposite of the Elders. The same kind of power but different values, I guess?

"There were four of them," I carried on and swallowed thickly, "But Athalia seemed to have control."

Elias met my gaze at the mention of the name, and even Freya broke away from her own thoughts. It had been unexpected for them; the mention of Athalia. Which in turn surprised me because Athalia's presence was the strongest and most dominant of all the Elder's.

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