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"You need to get the hell out of here."

I inhaled deeply, and had to bite down on my tongue, to stop a scream from pouring between my lips. 

Callan's face hovered over mine, his eyes frightfully serious, and his mouth pressed into a hard line. It was bad enough that he was here, but never mind now.

It was so early, that it was dark outside.

"You can't be here!" I hissed through a surprise yawn as I rubbed my eyes awake, "Why are you here?"

Callan looked around in confusion, and arched his brows at Lennox. Who was draped luxuriously across my couch with a blanket wrapped around her. Sherry opted for the blow-up mattress on the floor with Gucci snuggled up to her side, and I... was just on the floor.

"I wanted to know what happened to you, after the summoning." Callan began running his hands through his hair in a stressed manor, "Only to have one of the Elder's up my ass about you. I thought you were a no one, Adriana No Last Name. Now, Katerina wants me to tell you to run."

At the bitch's name, I stiffened and Callan was looking at me expectantly, "Run from what?" I finally asked, although it was more like a slur. My eyes danced to the table that balanced three empty pizza's, and an empty bottle of Schnapps.

I'm not sure where the vodka went; but I knew it was gone.

"Wraiths. They're doing their scouting for prime souls to harvest, and a circle of them are coming to wherever you are." Callan informed me, and then paused, "She told me to warn you. Why?"

My mouth opened, and shut before all I could do was flap a hand in the air, "Beats me!" I muttered in annoyance, and rolled back into my covers. A flash of lightening outside made me jerk in surprise, "You ask her."

"Adriana, are you drunk?" Callan tried to hold back his grin.

I shrugged a shoulder, "Maybe."

He nodded slowly, and lowered himself so that he was kneeling beside me, "Tell me your last name?" He smiled sickly sweet at me.

I scoffed, "Nice try, loser. Get out, I need to sleep!" I muttered pulling my covers above my head with a yawn.

"Well, I warned you." Callan sighed dramatically and I quirked a brow at him, "But when all your little human friends die, don't come crying to me."

Hah, no one was dying. I waved him off, but he was a persistent son of a bitch, "Adriana, believe it or not, I might consider you as a friend. Maybe even one with benefits in the nearby future," He murmured lying down next to me, "Which is why I came to warn you; you are under attack, angel."

It was just then that Lennox's eyes snapped open, and she ricocheted upwards with a panicked look, "I have to warn them!" She breathed shoving out of her covers, and running towards the landline, and I leaned on an elbow, "I have to warn them, they're coming! I have to warn them!"

Callan leaned back on his heels with his brows quirked in interest, "Well, would you look at that." He smirked at me with a wink, "The little oracle has risen from her slumber. You better get ready, love."

"Adriana! What the hell is wrong with your phone?" Lennox demanded, making Sherry jolt awake with a snort.

"What's happening!?" She demanded suddenly wide eyed, and I frowned as I crawled over to the lamp and tried to turn it on.

"Power cut." I muttered grimly, with a pathetic groan.

Lennox looked frantic, and it was quickly sobering me up because her fear seemed to trickle into me, "You saw something." I guessed and she nodded. Her usually fair skin looked pale, and her features were pinched anxiously.

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