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"You must hate this." Sherry leveled me with a serious look.

I groaned as I shifted around to look at her, "What?" I grumbled, pausing from drumming my fingers against my kneecaps.

I had no idea of where to hide Sherry, except from my basement. So, that's where we were camped out, until we were told otherwise. 

I had always hated the basement, mostly because of the damp smell. Boxes were piled high upon each other, all over the place. It kind of made it look like a shrine of my childhood, some overflowing with birthday cards, or school projects.

Honestly, it was kind of creepy for me.

"Having to protect me, or try to." Sherry muttered, hugging her knees to her chest. Her hand shook as she stroked it through her dogs soft fur.

Sure, I could admit there were plenty of other things I could be spending my weekend. However, all those options had been wiped off the board.

My back pressed against the old wicker seat that'd been dumped down here years ago. A piece of crap, disguised as a gift, from the old lady down the street, "I could be doing better things." I admitted.

This earned a scoff, and she cocked her head, "Like what? Playing hero, and saving the night?" Sherry asked, tone dripping in an unappreciated sarcasm.

Wow, she made it so easy to want to slap her. It was an honest to God talent, "Sleeping. I could be sleeping." I clarified with a yawn, but it wouldn't hurt to help out up there.

"I hate that about you." Sherry suddenly snapped, making me flinch at the volume of her voice.

Oh, great. The princess was about to burst into one of her rants, I was almost envious of her source of energy, "You don't care about anything, do you? Do you know how annoying your passive-aggressive act is?" She continued, her tone a high pitched demand. 

Taking a long swig of the mineral water in my hands, I released a breath through my nose. It was luck that the extra generator was down here, and that the mini fridge beside it was still stocked.

The basement also happened to be where my family retreated to during storm season. When the winds grew too strong, wildly shattering windows and shaking up hell.

Down here was safe; there was food, water, and camper beds. Who would have thought, it would all be useful in the midst of an attack from soul stealing Wraiths? 

"It's not an act." I stated, eyes drifting over boxes overflowing with Christmas decorations, "I really just don't care. After being bullied all your life; it comes naturally."

I could feel Sherry's gaze burning into the side of my head, "I didn't bully you all your life." She muttered quietly, and I rolled my eyes at her, "Anyway, even before that, you've always been so...chill."

"You did, and when you didn't, your minions did." I stated matter-of-factly, not taking any of her crap. I craned my neck around to nail her with a glare, "It just got worse after the accident. Thanks for the sympathy for that, by the way."

A huff of air escaped her, and the mounting urge to slap her increased, "We were just kids." Sherry said in a quiet voice, and she was right. 

When the accident happened, and I started my episodes, we were still kids. But then we grew up, entered the daunting world that is high school, and learned decent moralities, maybe even some respect.

And it still never stopped.

"Then why did you keep hassling me all these years?" I demanded, throwing up my hands in agitation. 

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