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"Think about the night it happened; the weather."

I didn't want to think about it, it wasn't an exactly fond memory for me. but I could remember, more vividly than I was comfortable with. The memory of the night was probably the most relived one of all of them, especially because it was during storm season.

Which was fast approaching.

The rain that lashed down that night had started early in the afternoon and pelted down without any mercy, the winds were like sea salted whips that made my eyes water at each slash, and the sky looked like a giant smoky canvas. There was nothing pretty about that day, or that night, and I wasn't about to try and make light of it.

"It sucked." I muttered to myself with a heavy sigh, "Why do I have to do this?"

Lance glanced from me to Dillon, who was perched beside him with a smirk, "Because the night you died is the strongest link to your psyche. To control your ability to soul walk, you first need to get some control over your psyche." She drawled like it was the most obvious thing.

"Just relax." Lance's voice was calm but even I could tell he was getting frustrated, "Remember it."

My brows lowered as I crossed one leg over the other, what did they want me to remember? I wasn't even a teen. I was nine years old and it was a stormy night, I still remember the way the bright flashes of lightening webbed across the inky sky. It freaked me out because it was dark but I kind of couldn't look away because it was the moon.

The super moon caught my every inch of attention.

"You died on the night of a super moon?" Dillon looked genuinely surprised by this and I shrugged one shoulder, "Yeah. It was big, bright. You want more detail on it?" I asked not really wanting to share my dad's story about it.

My dad was a fan of making up stories to amuse me when I was younger but I had always found that the super moon story was my favorite. How he stated all the stars had banded together to make the night extra bright, so that everyone could find their way home.

Dillon smirked at me but didn't press. I don't know why her presence was bothering me so much but it was and I didn't know how to get past it, maybe it's because she knew that there was...something going on between Cedric and me. And I knew that Cedric and Dillon had some sort of history.

I shook the thoughts from my head and dived back into the memories, inhaling deeply as I braced myself for reliving the moment I'd had nightmares about for years. I remember seeing the silver flash in the corner of my eye before the bolt striked the car, the astounded scream that erupted from my fear stricken father as he fought for control over the wheel.

"Adriana..." A ghostly voice whispered softly through the wind and I blinked blearily at the woman who was suddenly hovering over me, almost transparent, "Don't cry, shh. I'm sorry, I had to."

I felt myself frowning a little the more I forced the woman's face into focus. I didn't notice it before. At first, the woman's face looked astoundingly like Freya Prey's. It was strange how close their faces were alike; the same structure, the same shape of hair but the eyes were what probed at me and now I could see.

The woman wasn't Freya, it was just a mask of her face.

"Adriana, what are you doing?" Dillon's voice was distant as my focus deepened on the face. How did I not see the differences before?

Even now, the closer attention I paid to the features of the woman told me that it wasn't Freya but a whole other person. The woman who hid behind Freya's face had sharp eyes that were tinted with a cold awareness and a finer facial structure that made her ageless, beautiful but there was something about her that made me shiver.

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