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Nerves built in my bones the further we walked through the mansion. I've decided that the Salvador's home was much more than a house; it was like royalty grounds. But I didn't want to put them on any pedestal.  

So 'mansion' would suffice.

"Brace yourself." Lennox murmured over her shoulder, placing her hands against a set of mahogany doors with a smirk on her face, "These are the people who can answer all every one of your questions that I see burning in those eyes."

A snort came directly from behind me, making me jolt in surprise at Cedric's sudden arrival. Those full lips curved into a gorgeous half smile, "She's being dramatic." He assured me confidently, winking at me in a playful manner, "But as far as families go; we aren't too shabby. But they are waiting."

I wasn't entirely sure of what I was expecting when Lennox pushed open the doors, but floor to ceiling bookcases were not it. My mind was blown away at the personal two-tiered library that was halfway done through being filled.

Long oval windows facing the sea allowed warmth to spill into the room, no need for the open fire to be lit. The hardwood flooring was covered by a thick Persian rug that looked soft to touch, there were stitched leather couches evenly spaced through the room, and a well-preserved liquor cabinet.

"Adriana Crest." A man rose from a plush armed chair, dropping the book he held in his hands. Nerves bristled under my skin as his long legs took him towards me, "You're the double of your mother."

My entire body stiffened at his words. Maybe I heard him wrong. I didn't even know who my mother is, and this man didn't have a clue who I am, so how could he possible compare me to a ghost?

The man was handsome, and looked to be in his early thirties. His hair was a thick weave of darkness and his skin glowed with health. The resemblance between him and Cedric was uncanny and almost impossible to go unnoticed.

"Adriana, this is our father." Lennox introduced making my mind spin a little as I compared her to her father. Lennox was everything he wasn't; fair skinned with intense auburn locks. Her eyes were light and sparkling, and his were warm but dark, "Elias Salvador."

Elias had a polite smile but there was a sternness in his features that didn't go unnoticed. It was plain to see that he didn't share similar traits with my own father's parenting skills. His hand grasped mines firmly as we shook.

"You know who my mother is?" I questioned bluntly, unable to stop myself from blurting it out.

His expression changed into that of sympathy and I gritted my teeth. I didn't want Elias to feel sorry about the fact that my mother abandoned my father and I, I'm not ever sure if I wanted to hear anything about her at all.

"Way to be forward." Lennox muttered to her father, and he frowned a little, "Sorry about that."

Elias cleared his throat but nodded his head nonetheless, "I knew your mother, not well but briefly." He explained before gesturing to the rest of the room, "We've all been waiting to meet you. You're all Lennox and Cedric are ever talking about these days."

"I'm afraid that my sister, Freya, wasn't able to join us today. She's back on the mainland, finishing off some business." Elias said in an apologetic tone but he smiled again, "But the rest of us are here."

The only person I recognized in the room, other than Lennox and Cedric, was Lance. He didn't bother to even spare me a glance, and instead continued to read whatever the leather hardback book was in his hands.

"You've had the pleasure of meeting Lance." Lennox drawled waving a dismissive hand in his direction. She poked a finger towards the small blonde haired angel sitting beside him, "Liana. The little sister, if you ask me, she's the better of the two."

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