Tell Me

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**The Next Day **

When I woke up , the sun shone  brightly on my face .
I covered my face with my blanket but someone pulled it off of my body .
"Ughh," I groaned .
"Get up ," Alex said.
"No ," I said .
"Come on ,"He said as he dragged me out of the bed as I fell to the floor.

"Alex!" I said as I stood up and wanted to climb back into the bed but he came and hugged me from behind stopping me from going back into bed.
"Someone is feeling happy today ," I said.
"I always feel happy ," He said. 
"You always pretend that you're happy ," I said as I went to the closet  to pick out an outfit .

"Does that mean that nothing is bothering you again ?" I asked.
He looked at me and his simile faded but he tried to keep smiling and lied and said ," Nothing was bothering me in the first place ".
"Your face tells me a different story ," I said as I shut the closest and took my outfit to the bathroom .

"Just go take a shower so that we can go downstairs to eat ," He said.
"Fine , but will you tell me what's bothering you ," I said.
"Beth ," He said .
"Will you ?" I asked.
"Maybe ," He said. I just looked at him and went to the bathroom .
When I was done , I came out and put on my shoes and then we left .

"Morning ," We both said when we approached the table where our parents sat .
"Morning you two ," My mother said .
We ate our breakfast and then we went our separate ways .
Me and Alex went back to our rooms because Lia was having family time with her family .

Alex jumped into my bed and I stood there and watched him .
"What ?" He said .
Before I could say anything , my phone rang .
Its was a three way call from Jake , Ally and Cathy . I answered the call excitedly because I have not talked to them for awhile now .

"Hey ," I said .
"Beth !" They all screamed in excitement .
I just laughed .
"How are you doing ?" Ally asked.
"I doing fine. I made a friend ," I said.
"And who is this friend ?" They asked suspiciously. 
"It's not like that . It's a she . Her name is Lia ," I said .

Jake face relaxed after when I said that .
"You have nothing to worry about ," I said to Jake .
"I know ," He said.
I filled them in on what has happened so far .
When I told them about Alex being bothered by something , Ally said , "Something is always bothering Alex" and the rest of them agreed which made Alex mad .

He got off of my bed and stormed out of the room. 
"Guys , that was not nice . You made him mad ," I said.
"He is always mad ," Cathy said.
"But still , that was not nice " I said.
"Fine , we will apologize ," They said.
"I'm going to see if he is okay ," I said and then I said goodbye and ended the call .

I stood up and walked out the room to look for Alex .
I searched the entire boat which took me hours .
I went to a cafe to get a smoothie . When I was done , I went back to my room and saw Alex , sitting on the floor on the balcony looking at the ocean. 
I went near him and said ," You made me look for you all around this boat and I come to find that you were here all along ," I said in an angry tone as I sat down next to him .

"Sorry ," He said still looking at the ocean .
"I'm sorry for what Ally said ," I said apologizing for Ally .
"It's okay ," I said.
"But something tells me that is not why you are mad ," I said .
"I was mad about it for awhile but..
He said as he trailed off his sentence.
"But that is not all ," I said finishing his sentence for him .

"Just tell me what's bothering you ," I said.
"I can't ," He said.
"Yes you can ," I said .
"If I tell you , it will ruin everything ," He said .
"Is whatever that is bothering you so bad that it will our friendship ?" I asked.
"Maybe ," He said .
"Then I will take the risk ," I said.

"No," He said as he wanted to get up but I stopped him and said ," Please don't go ".
But of course he didn't listen to me .
"Alex !" I said as I got up too and went back into the room .
"Just leave it alone Beth ," He said .
"No , tell me ," I said .
"No ," He said .
"Alex , I am your best friend and best friends don't keep things from each other ," I said as I went near him .

"Somethings are better left unsaid ," He said.
"Alex , please ," I said as I begged him .
"Leave it alone ," He said.
"No ," I said.
He gave me his frustrated look and I said ," Don't give me that look . Just tell me ," I said.
"No ," He said .
"Please ," I said.
"Beth , I don't want to ruin our friendship ," He said.

"And it won't ," I said.
"It will ," He said.
"Alex ," I said in frustration .
"Beth ," He said in frustration as well .
"Ugh," We both went .
"Are we interrupting anything ?" My mother said. 
"No ," I said as I walked out the door in a angry manner and went to the restaurant .
Soon after , Alex , my mother and Alex's mother came .

We sat down and no one dared to talk because of what happened between Alex and I .
When our food came , we ate in awkward silence .
When we were done , we all went back to our rooms .
Alex and I had to both shower then go to bed.
Alex let me shower first and then he did after me .

When were both done , I was falling asleep but then I heard Alex climb out of his bed and come next to me .
My body was positioned by me laying facing the wall  with my eyes closed like if I was sleeping .
He came next to me and said ," I'm sorry Beth about the argument . I dont want our friendship to be ruined . I hope you understand that . I am not mad you anymore ".

And then he kissed my forehead and went back to his bed and fell asleep .

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