Chapter two

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I squint through the bright yellow light, groaning as a headache racks my brain.

What happened?

I sit up quickly, only to be met with pain, everywhere. I clench my teeth and open my eyes fully, meeting an empty white room. I place a hand to my head, finding a bandage wrapped around it. In my other hand is a needle with a tube on the end, sending a clear liquid into my body.

"Hello?" I croak breathlessly. I rub my soar throat and look around the room, only to find a man sitting in a chair by the door, a magazine in his hand. He looks up to me with a sad smile. His features have me squinting again.

Soft, brown hair on his head, and beautiful green eyes like emeralds. His chest is broad, his muscles showing through the black T-shirt that almost doesn't fit him. I pinch myself under the blankets to see if I'm dreaming the handsome man.

I sit up into the pillows behind me.

"Where am I?" I ask in a hoarse whisper.

"In the hospital." He says gently, his voice as smooth as silk. I felt like melting into a puddle at that moment.

"Where's Darcey?" I moan in pain as my headache hits my right temple. "Who are you?"

I hold my head in my hands to ease the pain while waiting for his answer. He says nothing, but sits on the edge of the bed. I slide further into the pillows.

"My name is Tate." He says gently.

I look him in the eye, wondering why the hell I'm in a hospital, why the hell he's in the room.

"Am I missing something? Do I know you?" I finally ask. I swing my feet over the edge of the bed and unhook my arm from the tube.

He chuckles with a smile, causing a shiver to run up my spine. I shake it off and grab my shoes from the floor.

"Not yet," He answers. "But soon."

I slip my sneakers on and face him with a confused look. I cross my arms over my chest.

"Why are you in my hospital room?" I unwrap the bandage from my forehead, placing it in the small black garbage can beside the bed.

He pauses, his eyes frantically searching the room for an explanation. I watch him silently, fear consuming my body slowly as each minute passes without one.

Who is this guy?

For all I know, he could be an axe murderer trying to kill me.

"I uh....I'm the Doctors assistant." He stutters, standing up. I keep my distance, backing up when he tries to advance.

"The Doctors assistant." I repeat, not believing a word he says. He smiles.

"Exactly. I was told to wait for you to wake up.. And now you have." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

I slip past him and grab my jacket from the chair he was sitting on. I catch his scent and pause with the jacket in my hands.

Breaking out of my weird trance, I pull on the coat and grab my purse.

"Then tell me, Doctor Tate, what happened to me last night?"

I remember leaving Jason's, I remember talking to my father multiple times on the phone, then to Darcey. I was on my way home, where my father was having friends over.

I shiver in disgust. Did I end up getting beat so badly that I was sent to the hospital? I grip my stomach as the feeling of nausea overwhelms me.

"A car accident," He eyes me suspiciously. "You got in a car accident."

Dream {Book 1}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ